@incollection{fdi:010078420, title = {{M}ultidisciplinary approaches for the study of sediment discharges to the {M}editerranean {S}ea to mitigate the impact of climate and anthropogenic activities on coastal environments}, author = {{A}mrouni, {O}. and {M}ah{\'e}, {G}il and {A}bdeljaouad, {S}. and {A}bichou, {H}. and {H}attour, {A}. and {A}krout, {N}. and {B}ancon {M}ontigny, {C}. and {B}enmoussa, {T}. and {B}en {M}ustapha, {K}. and {C}houba, {L}. and {C}hiarella, {D}. and {C}ondomines, {M}. and {D}ezileau, {L}. and {D}ieulin, {C}laudine and {G}aaloul, {N}. and {G}hadoum, {A}. and {H}zami, {A}. and {K}helifi, {N}. and {K}hsiba, {S}. and {K}otti, {F}. and {M}edhioub, {M}. and {M}issaoui, {H}. and {S}abatier, {F}. and {S}anchez, {A}. and {S}atta, {A}. and {S}ebei, {A}. and {O}uertani, {W}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he present work is based on {T}he {RYSCMED} project supported by {PHC}-{UTIQUE} 2016-2018 (16{G} 1005 -34854{QC}). {T}he {RYSCMED} is an interdisciplinary project which gathers different disciplines (e.g. sedimentology, hydrology, geochemistry, ecology, paleontology, biochemistry, archeology) to quantify the sediment flow of the land-sea. {T}his research aims at identifying coastal sediment dynamics (via the sand supply sources; i.e. {M}edjerda {R}iver) and hydrodynamic parameters to understand the local environmental problems in an urbanized coastal framework. {T}he outcome is expected to produce original and new findings about the link between dams, river hydrology and sediment origin to the sea, with the impact of climate and anthropogenic activities on the coastal geomorphology and ecosystem sensitivity. {T}he main scientific outcome will be addressed to the socio-economic actors to implement necessary solutions for remediating the {M}editerranean coastal vulnerability. ({A}bstract author)}, keywords = {{SEDIMENTATION} {MARINE} ; {EVOLUTION} ; {FACTEUR} {CLIMATIQUE} ; {FACTEUR} {ANTHROPIQUE} ; {GEOMORPHOLOGIE} ; {COTE} ; {ECOSYSTEME} ; {ECOLOGIE} ; {GEOCHIMIE} ; {ZONE} {HUMIDE} ; {MER} ; {COURS} {D}'{EAU} ; {MEDITERRANEE} ; {TUNISIE} ; {MEDJERDA} {COURS} {D}'{EAU}}, booktitle = {{P}aleobiodiversity and tectono-sedimentary records in the {M}editerranean tethys and related eastern areas : proceedings of the 1st {S}pringer {C}onference of the {A}rabian {J}ournal of {G}eosciences ({CAJG}-1), {T}unisia 2018}, numero = {}, pages = {353--358}, address = {{C}ham}, publisher = {{S}pringer}, series = {{A}dvances in {S}cience, {T}echnology and {I}nnovation}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1007/978-3-030-01452-0_84}, ISBN = {978-3-03-001451-3}, ISSN = {2522-8714}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010078420}, }