@inproceedings{fdi:010078252, title = {{T}owards improved climate prediction for {W}est {A}frica [r{\'e}sum{\'e}]}, author = {{K}eenlyside, {N}. and {V}areilles, {M} de. and {B}randt, {P}. and {B}rochier, {T}imoth{\'e}e and {D}emissie, {T}. and {K}oseki, {S}. and {M}ohino, {E}. and {L}opez-{P}arages, {J}. and {P}rodhomme, {C}. and {S}arr{\'e}, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he project '{E}nhancing {P}rediction of {T}ropical {A}tlantic {C}limate and its {I}mpacts – {PREFACE}' (www.preface-project.eu) is a 4.5 year research project funded by the {E}uropean {U}nion under {FP}7- {E}nvironment. {T}he project gathers 28 partners from 18 countries across {A}frica and {E}urope, with expertise in oceanography, climate modelling and prediction, and fisheries science, targeting climate prediction and marine-ecosystem changes in the eastern boundary and equatorial upwelling regions of the tropical {A}tlantic. {S}ince 2013 and in a spirit of strong international cooperation, {PREFACE} has made important contributions towards improving the {A}tlantic observational network and climate prediction models – whilst enhancing local capacity and harvesting the synergy from inter-projects collaboration – such that we can now usefully forecast climate from a season to a decade in advance over large regions of the tropical {A}tlantic {O}cean, and over parts of continental {S}outh {A}merica and {A}frica. {A} particular example is the skill in predictions of ocean surface temperature and {S}ahel rainfall a season to several years ahead. {T}here is also a potential to predict stock biomass from a season to years in advance. {W}e showed that the upwelling intensity in {N}orth {W}est {A}frica and consequent marine productivity are redistributed due to warming trends, and we report a northern spatial shift of round sardinella. {I}n the southeast {A}tlantic, a similar shift is reported on the same species. {S}uch potentially predictable changes impact food security management and demand adequate policy measures. {H}owever, more work is required to make the most use of these predictions. {C}limate model errors and modelling of biophysical relations continue to be a major challenge. {T}hese introduce uncertainties in future projections of climate change and its impacts in this region. {T}hey also limit shorter-term climate prediction. {T}hus much more work is needed to improve models. {C}ollaborative climate research on the {A}tlantic remains a key priority.}, keywords = {{EUROPE} ; {AMERIQUE} {DU} {SUD} ; {AFRIQUE} {DE} {L}'{OUEST} ; {SAHEL}}, numero = {}, pages = {47}, booktitle = {{I}nternational conference {ICAWA} 2017 and 2018 : extended book of abstract : the {AWA} project : ecosystem approach to the management of fisheries and the marine environment in {W}est {A}frican waters}, year = {2019}, ISBN = {978-9553602-0-06}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010078252}, }