@article{fdi:010078135, title = {{P}sycho-social factors related to obesity and their associations with socioeconomic characteristics : the {RECORD} study}, author = {{F}uentes, {S}. and {B}rondeel, {R}. and {F}ranco, {M}. and {S}ureda, {X}. and {T}raissac, {P}ierre and {C}leary, {L}. {K}. and {C}haix, {B}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}bjectives {W}e aimed to describe the main psycho-social factors related to obesity in an adult population and to develop a unified construct (psycho-social profiles), to explore the associations between socioeconomic characteristics and these psycho-social profiles. {M}ethods {I}n its second wave, the {RECORD} {S}tudy assessed 6460 participants aged 30-79 years living in the {P}aris region between 2011 and 2014. {F}actor analyses followed by cluster analysis were applied to identify psycho-social profiles related to obesity. {T}he two psycho-social profiles were adverse profile-negative body image, underestimation of the impact of weight in quality of life, low weight-related self-efficacy, and weight-related external locus of control; and favorable profile-positive body image, high self-efficacy, and internal locus of control. {T}he relationship between three socioeconomic dimensions-current socioeconomic status, childhood socioeconomic status, and neighborhood education status-and psycho-social profiles was assessed through binomial logistic regression adjusted for age, gender, depression, living alone, and weight status. {R}esults {C}ontrary to hypotheses, there were no associations between socioeconomic characteristics and obesity-related psycho-social profiles after adjustment for body mass index. {D}epressive symptoms ({OR} 2.21, 95% {CI} 2.70, 4.04) and being female (3.31, 95% {CI} 2.70, 4.40) were associated with an adverse psycho-social profile. {C}onclusions {P}sycho-social profiles could help to understand the multifactorial nature of the determinants of obesity.}, keywords = {{O}besity ; {S}ocioeconomic status ; {C}hildhood ; {R}esidential neighborhood ; {P}sycho-social factors ; {D}epression ; {FRANCE} ; {PARIS} {REGION}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}ating and {W}eight {D}isorders : {S}tudies on {A}norexia {B}ulimia and {O}besity}, volume = {25}, numero = {3}, pages = {533--543}, ISSN = {1124-4909}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1007/s40519-018-00638-9}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010078135}, }