@article{fdi:010078127, title = {{I}ndividuals living in an onchocerciasis focus and treated three-monthly with ivermectin develop fewer new onchocercal nodules than individuals treated annually}, author = {{C}ampillo, {J}. {T}. and {C}hesnais, {C}edric and {P}ion, {S}{\'e}bastien and {G}ardon, {J}acques and {K}amgno, {J}. and {B}oussinesq, {M}ichel}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground {L}ittle information is available on the effect of ivermectin on the third- and fourth-stage larvae of {O}nchocerca volvulus. {T}o assess a possible prophylactic effect of ivermectin on this parasite, we compared the effects of different ivermectin regimens on the acquisition of onchocercal nodules. {M}ethods {W}e analyzed data from a controlled randomized clinical trial of ivermectin conducted in the {M}bam {V}alley ({C}ameroon) between 1994 and 1998 in a cohort of onchocerciasis infected individuals. {T}he number of nodules that appeared between the start and the end of the clinical trial was analyzed, using {ANOVA} and multivariable {P}oisson regressions, between four treatment arms: 150 mu g/kg annually, 800 mu g/kg annually, 150 mu g/kg 3-monthly, and 800 mu g/kg 3-monthly. {R}esults {T}he mean number of nodules that appeared during the trial was reduced by 17.7% in subjects treated 3-monthly compared to those treated annually (regardless of the dose). {P}oisson regression model, adjusting on subject's age and weight, initial number of nodules and intensity of {O}. volvulus infection in his village of residence, confirmed that the incidence of new nodules was reduced in 3-monthly treatment arms compared to annually treatment arms, and that the dosage of ivermectin does not seem to influence this effect. {F}urthermore, the number of newly acquired nodules was positively associated with the initial number of nodules. {A}nalysis of disappearance of nodules did not show any significant difference between the treatment groups. {C}onclusions {T}o our knowledge, these results suggest for the first time in humans, that ivermectin has a partial prophylactic effect on {O}. volvulus. {T}hree-monthly treatment seems more effective than annual treatment to prevent the appearance of nodules.}, keywords = {{O}nchocerciasis ; {O}nchocerca volvulus ; {N}odules ; {O}nchocercoma ; {I}vermectin ; {C}ameroon ; {CAMEROUN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}arasites and {V}ectors}, volume = {13}, numero = {1}, pages = {art. 258 [11 p.]}, ISSN = {1756-3305}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1186/s13071-020-04126-x}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010078127}, }