@article{fdi:010077822, title = {{R}eproductive biology of barracuda, {S}phyraena guachancho, on {I}vorian coasts ({E}astern {C}entral {A}tlantic)}, author = {{A}kadje, {C}. {M}. {A}. and {A}mon, {Y}. {N}. and {N}'da, {K}. and {L}e {L}oc'h, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}o provide information for improving barracuda stock management on the {I}vorian coast, the reproductive biology (length-weight relationship, sexual development and size at first maturity) of {S}phyraena guachancho was studied in relation to the marine seasons and fish size classes. {S}amples were obtained between {J}uly 2010 and {J}une 2011 from commercial fisheries in {A}bidjan fishing port. {A} total of 662 specimens (328 females, 334 males) with sizes ranging from 19 to 63 cm {FL} were analyzed. {T}he sex ratio of {S}phyraena guachancho was found to be slightly in favour of males (1: 0.98). {T}he length-weight relationship is isometric for both sexes. {T}he gonadosomatic index ({GSI}), hepatosomatic index ({HSI}), condition factor ({K}) and percentage of mature individuals for both sexes reveal that the breeding period corresponds to the {L}ow {C}old {S}eason, mainly during {J}anuary. {T}he size at first maturity of the {S}phyraena guachancho population is 28.8 cm. {I}t was not significantly different between males (27.8 cm) and females (30.3 cm). {S}exual maturity was found to be earlier than measured in previous studies at different locations.}, keywords = {{SPHYRAENA} {GUACHANCHO} ; {BREEDING} {PERIOD} ; {SEXUAL} {MATURITY} ; {COTE} {D}'{IVOIRE} ; {COTE} {D}'{IVOIRE} ; {ATLANTIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{V}ie et {M}ilieu}, volume = {69}, numero = {2-3}, pages = {177--185}, ISSN = {0240-8759}, year = {2019}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077822}, }