@article{fdi:010077499, title = {{M}agmatic carbon outgassing and uptake of {CO}2 by alkaline waters}, author = {{E}dmonds, {M}. and {T}utolo, {B}. and {I}acovino, {K}. and {M}oussallam, {Y}ves}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}uch of {E}arth's carbon resides in the "deep" realms of our planet: sediments, crust, mantle, and core. {T}he interaction of these deep reservoirs of carbon with the surface reservoir (atmosphere and oceans) leads to a habitable surface environment, with an equitable atmospheric composition and comfortable range in temperature that together have allowed life to proliferate. {T}he {E}arth in {F}ive {R}eactions project (part of the {D}eep {C}arbon {O}bservatory program) identified the most important carbon-bearing reactions of our planet, defined as those which perhaps make our planet unique among those in our {S}olar {S}ystem, to highlight and review how the deep and surface carbon cycles connect. {H}ere we review the important reactions that control the concentration of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere: outgassing from magmas during volcanic eruptions and during magmatic activity; and uptake of {CO}2 by alkaline surface waters. {W}e describe the state of our knowledge about these reactions and their controls, the extent to which we understand the mass budgets of carbon that are mediated by these reactions, and finally, the implications of these reactions for understanding present-day climate change that is driven by anthropogenic emission of {CO}2.}, keywords = {{D}eep carbon cycle ; anthropogenic carbon ; alkaline lakes ; {CO}2 degassing ; silicate melts ; {E}arth in {F}ive {R}eactions: {A} {D}eep {C}arbon {P}erspective}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}merican {M}ineralogist}, volume = {105}, numero = {1}, pages = {28--34}, ISSN = {0003-004{X}}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.2138/am-2020-6986{CCBY}}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077499}, }