@article{fdi:010077448, title = {{S}trategies of host resistance to pathogens in spatially structured populations : an agent-based evaluation}, author = {{B}o{\¨e}te, {C}hristophe and {S}eston, {M}organ and {L}egros, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}here is growing theoretical evidence that spatial structure can affect the ecological and evolutionary outcomes of host-parasite interactions. {L}ocally restricted interactions have been shown in particular to affect host resistance and tolerance. {I}n this study we investigate the evolution of several types of host disease resistance strategies, alone or in combination, in spatially structured populations. {W}e construct a spatially explicit, individual-based stochastic model where hosts and parasites interact with each other in a spatial lattice, and interactions are restricted to a given neighbourhood of varying size. {W}e investigate several host resistance strategies, including constitutive (expressed in all resistant hosts), induced (expressed only upon infection), and combinations thereof. {W}e show that a costly constitutive resistance cannot reach fixation, whereas an inducible resistance strategy may become fixed in the population if the cost remains low, particularly if it impacts host recovery. {W}e also demonstrate that mixed strategies can be maintained in the host population, and that a higher investment in a recovery-boosting inducible resistance allows for a higher investment in a constitutive response. {O}ur simulations reveal that the spatial structure of the population impacts the selection for resistance in a complex fashion. {W}hile single strategies of resistance are generally favoured in less structured populations, mixed strategies can sometimes prevail only in highly structured environments, e.g. when combining constitutive and transmission-blocking induced responses {O}verall these results shed new light on the dynamics of disease resistance in a spatially-structured host-pathogen system, and advance our theoretical understanding of the evolutionary dynamics of disease resistance, a necessary step to elaborate more efficient and sustainable strategies for disease management.}, keywords = {{H}ost-parasite interactions ; {R}esistance ; {T}ransmission ; {R}ecovery ; {A}ltruism ; {S}pace}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}heoretical {P}opulation {B}iology}, volume = {130}, numero = {}, pages = {170--181}, ISSN = {0040-5809}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1016/j.tpb.2019.07.014}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077448}, }