@article{fdi:010077136, title = {{W}eakening of the {S}enegalo-{M}auritanian upwelling system under climate change}, author = {{S}ylla, {A}. and {M}ignot, {J}uliette and {C}apet, {X}avier and {G}aye, {A}. {T}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{U}pwelling processes bring nutrient-rich waters from the deep ocean to the surface. {A}reas of upwelling are often associated with high productivity, offering great economic value in terms of fisheries. {T}he sensitivity of spring/summer-time coastal upwelling systems to climate change has recently received a lot of attention. {S}everal studies have suggested that their intensity may increase in the future while other authors have shown decreasing intensity in their equatorward portions. {Y}et, recent observations do not show robust evidence of this intensification. {T}he {S}enegalo-{M}auritanian upwelling system ({SMUS}) located at the southern edge of the north {A}tlantic system (12 degrees {N}-20 degrees {N}) and most active in winter/spring has been largely excluded from these studies. {H}ere, the seasonal cycle of the {SMUS} and its response to climate change is investigated in the database of the {C}oupled {M}odels {I}nter comparison {P}roject {P}hase 5 ({CMIP}5). {U}pwelling magnitude and surface signature are characterized by several sea surface temperature and wind stress indices. {W}e highlight the ability of the climate models to reproduce the system, as well as their biases. {T}he simulations suggest that the intensity of the {SMUS} winter/spring upwelling will moderately decrease in the future, primarily because of a reduction of the wind forcing linked to a northward shift of {A}zores anticyclone and a more regional modulation of the low pressures found over {N}orthwest {A}frica. {T}he implications of such an upwelling reduction on the ecosystems and local communities exploiting them remains very uncertain.}, keywords = {{U}pwelling ; {C}limate change ; {C}limate models ; {N}ortheastern tropical ; {A}tlantic ; {ATLANTIQUE} ; {SENEGAL} ; {MAURITANIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, volume = {53}, numero = {7-8}, pages = {4447--4473}, ISSN = {0930-7575}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1007/s00382-019-04797-y}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077136}, }