@article{fdi:010077102, title = {{D}ynamics of the carbonate system across the peruvian oxygen minimum zone}, author = {{H}ernandez-{A}yon, {J}. {M}. and {P}aulmier, {A}ur{\'e}lien and {G}arcon, {V}. and {S}udre, {J}. and {M}ontes, {I}. and {C}hapa-{B}alcorta, {C}. and {D}urante, {G}. and {D}ewitte, {B}oris and {M}aes, {C}. and {B}retagnon, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he oxygen minimum zone ({OMZ}) of {P}eru is recognized as a source of {CO}2 to the atmosphere due to upwelling that brings water with high concentrations of dissolved inorganic carbon ({DIC}) to the surface. {H}owever, the influence of {OMZ} dynamics on the carbonate system remains poorly understood given a lack of direct observations. {T}his study examines the influence of a coastal {E}astern {S}outh {P}acific {OMZ} on carbonate system dynamics based on a multidisciplinary cruise that took place in 2014. {D}uring the cruise, onboard {DIC} and p{H} measurements were used to estimate p{CO}(2) and to calculate the calcium carbonate saturation state ({O}mega aragonite and calcite). {S}outh of {C}himbote (9 degrees {S}), water stratification decreased and both the oxycline and carbocline moved from 150 m depth to 20-50 m below the surface. {T}he aragonite saturation depth was observed to be close to 50 m. {H}owever, values < 1.2 were detected close to 20 m along with low p{H} (minimum of 7.5), high p{CO}(2) (maximum 1,250 mu atm), and high {DIC} concentrations (maximum 2,300 mu mol kg(-1)). {T}hese chemical characteristics are shown to be associated with {E}quatorial {S}ubsurface {W}ater ({ESSVV}). {L}arge spatial variability in surface values was also found. {P}art of this variability can be attributed to the influence of mesoscale eddies, which can modify the distribution of biogeochemical variables, such as the aragonite saturation horizon, in response to shallower (cyclonic eddies) or deeper (anticyclonic eddies) thermoclines. {T}he analysis of a 21-year (1993-2014) data set of mean sea surface level anomalies ({SSH}a) derived from altimetry data indicated that a large variance associated with interannual timescales was present near the coast. {H}owever, 2014 was characterized by weak {K}elvin activity, and physical forcing was more associated with eddy activity. {M}esoscale activity modulates the position of the upper boundary of {ESSW}, which is associated with high {DIC} and influences the carbocline and aragonite saturation depths. {W}eighing the relative importance of each individual signal results in a better understanding of the biogeochemical processes present in the area.}, keywords = {{OMZ} ; {DIC} ; p{H} ; omega aragonite ; upwelling {P}eruvian system ; {PEROU} ; {PACIFIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}rontiers in {M}arine {S}cience}, volume = {6}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 617 [16 p.]}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.3389/fmars.2019.00617}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077102}, }