@article{fdi:010077081, title = {{A}ntibody response to {T}oscana {V}irus and {S}andfly {F}ever {S}icilian {V}irus in cats naturally exposed to phlebotomine sand fly bites in {P}ortugal}, author = {{P}ereira, {A}. and {A}yhan, {N}azli and {C}ristovao, {J}. {M}. and {V}ilhena, {H}. and {M}artins, {A}. and {C}achola, {P}. and {H}enriques, {J}. and {C}oimbra, {M}. and {C}atarino, {A}. and {L}estinova, {T}. and {S}pitzova, {T}. and {V}olf, {P}. and {C}ampino, {L}. and {C}harrel, {R}. and {M}aia, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}hlebotomine sand fly-borne pathogens such as {L}eishmania spp. and phleboviruses are emerging threats to humans and animals worldwide. {T}he aim of this work was to evaluate the exposure of cats from {P}ortugal to {T}oscana virus ({TOSV}) and {S}andfly {F}ever {S}icilian virus ({SFSV}) and assess the associated risk factors. {T}he possible association between exposure to {P}hlebotomus perniciosus saliva with {TOSV} and {SFSV} was also investigated. {O}ut of 369 cats tested, 18 (4.9%, n = 365) were seropositive for {TOSV}, and eight (2.2%, n = 367) were seropositive for {SFSV}. {M}ultivariate logistic regression analysis showed that cats presenting clinical signs that were compatible with leishmaniosis and antibodies to {TOSV} had a significantly higher risk of being {SFSV} seropositive. {T}he presence of antibodies to sand fly-borne viruses in cats indicate that these animals are frequently exposed to sand flies and transmitted pathogens. {D}ata suggest that cats can be used to qualitatively monitor human exposure to {TOSV} and {SFSV} in endemic areas. {T}he clinical impact of {SFSV} in cats' health should be investigated. {T}he identification of the sand fly species responsible for the circulation of {TOSV} and {SFSV} in nature and the evaluation of the vectorial competence of {P}. perniciosus to {SFSV} should also be addressed.}, keywords = {arbovirus ; {B}unyavirales ; cat ; {P}henuiviridae ; {P}hlebotomus perniciosus ; {P}hlebovirus ; saliva ; {S}andfly {F}ever {S}icilian {V}irus ; {T}oscana virus ; {PORTUGAL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}icroorganisms}, volume = {7}, numero = {9}, pages = {art. 339 [8 p.]}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.3390/microorganisms7090339}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077081}, }