@article{fdi:010077044, title = {{M}onitoring of rice transcriptional responses to contrasted colonizing patterns of phytobeneficial {B}urkholderia s.l. reveals a temporal shift in {JA} systemic response}, author = {{K}ing, {E}. and {W}allner, {A}. and {R}imbault, {I}sabelle and {B}arrachina, {C}. and {K}lonowska, {A}gnieszka and {M}oulin, {L}ionel and {C}zernic, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n the context of plant-pathogen and plant-mutualist interactions, the underlying molecular bases associated with host colonization have been extensively studied. {H}owever, it is not the case for non-mutualistic beneficial interactions or associative symbiosis with plants. {P}articularly, little is known about the transcriptional regulations associated with the immune tolerance of plants towards beneficial microbes. {I}n this context, the study of the {B}urkholderia rice model is very promising to describe the molecular mechanisms involved in associative symbiosis. {I}ndeed, several species of the {B}urkholderia sensu lato (s.l.) genus can colonize rice tissues and have beneficial effects; particularly, two species have been thoroughly studied: {B}urkholderia vietnamiensis and {P}araburkholderia kururiensis. {T}his study aims to compare the interaction of these species with rice and especially to identify common or specific plant responses. {T}herefore, we analyzed root colonization of the rice cultivar {N}ipponbare using {D}s{R}ed-tagged bacterial strains and produced the transcriptomes of both roots and leaves 7 days after root inoculation. {T}his led us to the identification of a co-expression jasmonic acid ({JA})-related network exhibiting opposite regulation in response to the two strains in the leaves of inoculated plants. {W}e then monitored by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (q{PCR}) the expression of {JA}-related genes during time course colonization by each strain. {O}ur results reveal a temporal shift in this {JA} systemic response, which can be related to different colonization strategies of both strains.}, keywords = {{RNA}seq ; endophyte ; symbiosis ; {B}urkholderia ; rice ; jasmonic acid}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}rontiers in {P}lant {S}cience}, volume = {10}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 1141 [20 p.]}, ISSN = {1664-462{X}}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.3389/fpls.2019.01141}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077044}, }