@article{fdi:010077017, title = {{P}hytoplankton strategies to exploit nutrients in coastal lagoons with different eutrophication status during re-oligotrophication}, author = {{L}eruste, {A}. and {G}uilhaumon, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {D}e {W}it, {R}. and {M}alet, {N}. and {C}ollos, {Y}. and {B}ec, {B}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e studied a mesotrophic and a hypertrophic {M}editerranean coastal lagoon, both of which had been simultaneously subjected to a nutrient input reduction for 9 yr. {W}e compared these 2 lagoons to an oligotrophic coastal lagoon. {U}sing bioassays comprising 24 h incubations with added phosphorus and/or ammonium, we investigated the response of the phytoplankton communities to nutrient enrichment during summer in terms of biomass, size class structure, abundance and growth. {F}or nitrogen and phosphorus, we identified which nutrient limited phytoplankton growth, and what strategies of nutrient exploitation the communities adopted to cope with these limitations. {U}ltraphytoplankton dominated the 3 communities, but it differed in composition among the lagoons. {G}reen algae dominated in the hypertrophic lagoon, whereas the mesotrophic lagoon presented a higher diversity of phytoplankton groups. {P}icocyanobacteria and small diatoms were the most abundant groups in the oligotrophic lagoon, although they accounted for less biomass than green algae. {T}he communities of the mesotrophic and the hypertrophic lagoons strongly responded to the nutrient pulse, showing that the re-oligotrophication trajectories of these lagoons were still very vulnerable to occasional eutrophication events. {O}n the other hand, the oligotrophic lagoon marginally responded to the enrichment, indicating its adaptation to nutrient-depleted conditions. {W}e observed a shift along the eutrophication gradient, from a co-limitation by {N} and {P} in the oligotrophic and the mesotrophic lagoons to a single and strong {N} limitation in the hypertrophic lagoon. {E}ach community demonstrated specific use of internal, external or recycled nutrient pools under experimentally induced limitation.}, keywords = {{G}rowth rate ; {N}utrient limitation ; {D}ilution experiment ; {HPLC} ; {MEDITERRANEE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}quatic {M}icrobial {E}cology}, volume = {83}, numero = {2}, pages = {131--146}, ISSN = {0948-3055}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.3354/ame01906}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077017}, }