@book{fdi:010076879, title = {{T}he regional assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services for {A}frica : summary for policymakers}, author = {{A}rcher, {E}. and {D}ziba, {L}. and {M}ulongoy, {K}.{J}. and {M}aoela, {M}.{A}. and {W}alters, {M}. and {B}iggs, {R}.{O}. and {C}ormier {S}alem, {M}arie-{C}hristine and {D}e{C}lerck, {F}. and {D}iaw, {M}.{C}. and {D}unham, {A}.{E}. and {F}ailler, {P}. and {G}ordon, {C}. and {H}arhash, {K}.{A}. and {K}asisi, {R}. and {K}izito, {F}. and {N}yingi, {W}. and {O}guge, {N}. and {O}sman-{E}lasha, {B}. and {S}tringer, {L}.{C}. and {T}ito de {M}orais, {L}uis and {A}ssogbadjo, {A}. and {E}goh, {B}.{N}. and {H}almy, {M}.{W}. and {H}eubach, {K}. and {M}ensah, {A}. and {P}ereira, {L}. and {S}itas, {N}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {}, keywords = {{AFRIQUE}}, address = {{B}onn}, publisher = {{IPBES}}, series = {}, pages = {49 [en ligne]}, year = {2018}, ISBN = {978-3-947851-00-3}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010076879}, }