@article{fdi:010076703, title = {{D}ihydrohymenialdisines, new pyrrole-2-aminoimidazole alkaloids from the marine sponge {C}ymbastela cantharella [plus {S}upplementary data]}, author = {{S}auleau, {P}. and {R}etailleau, {P}. and {N}ogues, {S}. and {C}arletti, {I}. and {M}arcourt, {L}. and {R}aux, {R}. and {A}l {M}ourabit, {A}. and {D}ebitus, {C}{\'e}cile}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n our investigation of bioactive marine natural products, we revisited an ethanolic extract of the {N}ew {C}aledonian sponge {C}ymbastela cantharella. {F}our new natural compounds (3-6) were isolated and their structural determinations as dihydrohymenialdisine derivatives were achieved by spectral data analysis and chemical conversion. {T}hese products did not show any activity in the {P}olo {L}ike kinase bioassay, demonstrating thus the importance of the unique structure of hymenialdisine, known as an improved kinase inhibitor.}, keywords = {{NOUVELLE} {CALEDONIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}etrahedron {L}etters}, volume = {52}, numero = {21}, pages = {2676--2678 [+ 10 p.]}, ISSN = {0040-4039}, year = {2011}, DOI = {10.1016/j.tetlet.2011.03.073}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010076703}, }