@article{fdi:010076416, title = {{E}nshrining space : shrines, public space and hinduization among the {K}ulung of {N}epal}, author = {{S}chlemmer, {G}r{\'e}goire}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}hat can the notion of "shrine", especially "wayside shrine", tell us about a society ? {A} wayside shrine could be defined as an edifice including a material representation of powers, which is built in a public space and open to all. {S}uch a definition leads us to focus on three main notions associated with it. {F}irst of all, that of material representation and its complex association with the presence of powers. {S}econdly, the notion of public space and how it emerges in relation with the state. {A}nd, finally, that of ritual unit and the question of what a ritual unit implies, besides the participation of its members in ritual activity. {D}escribing the emergence of these types of shrines among the {K}ulung {R}ai, a so-called tribal society of the {N}epalese {H}imalayas, will lead us to discuss some major changes that have occurred in this society over the last hundred and fifty years and that can be regarded as a {H}induization process coming "from below".}, keywords = {{ANTHROPOLOGIE} {SOCIALE} ; {SOCIETE} {TRADITIONNELLE} ; {CULTE} ; {RITUEL} ; {SYSTEME} {DE} {REPRESENTATIONS} ; {CHANGEMENT} {SOCIAL} ; {RESISTANCE} {AU} {CHANGEMENT} ; {PERCEPTION} {DE} {L}'{ESPACE} ; {MINORITE} {ETHNIQUE} ; {HINDOUISME} ; {ETAT} ; {NEPAL} ; {HIMALAYA}}, booktitle = {{W}ayside shrines : everyday religion in urban {I}ndia}, journal = {{S}outh {A}sia {M}ultidisciplinary {A}cademic {J}ournal}, volume = {18}, numero = {}, pages = {art. no 4603 [23 en ligne]}, ISSN = {1960-6060}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.4000/samaj.4603}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010076416}, }