@article{fdi:010076408, title = {{R}escue of cacao genetic resources related to the nacional variety : surveys in the ecuadorian {A}mazon (2010-2013)}, author = {{L}oor {S}olorzano, {R}.{G}. and {L}achenaud, {P}. and {F}ouet, {O}. and {A}rgout, {X} and {P}eña, {G}. and {C}astro {M}acias, {J}. and {A}mores {P}uyutaxi, {F}.{M}. and {V}aldez, {F}rancisco and {H}urtado, {J}. and {L}anaud, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{SPA}}, abstract = {{T}raditional cocoa plantations in {E}cuador are mostly composed of a complex mix of highly variable hybrid progenies, which has greatly reduced the population of native trees of the "{N}acional" variety, to such a point that they are considered today as heading for extinction, which is increasingly worrying the international chocolate industry. {S}ome years ago, we used genetic molecular markers to identify trees considered to be relics of the ancient original population of the "{N}acional" variety, and some wild cocoa trees in a particular region of the southern {E}cuadorian {A}mazon were identified as highly related to the "{N}acional" variety. {T}his paper presents the results of two surveys carried out in the southern {E}cuadorian {A}mazon, in the {Z}amora-{C}hinchipe {P}rovince, in 2010 and 2013. {T}he objective of these surveys was to search for, identify and rescue cocoa trees that might be the wild ancestors of the "{N}acional" variety. {I}n 2010, 83 mother trees were collected (budwood, pods and leaves) and 48 in 2013. {T}hey were preserved at the {G}ranja {D}omono experimental farm, near {M}acas ({M}orona-{S}antiago province) and at the {T}ropical {E}xperimental station {P}ichilingue, near {Q}uevedo. {T}he trees collected are currently being characterized for their genetic diversity, using molecular markers, and for the biochemical diversity of their beans.}, keywords = {{CONSERVATION} {DES} {RESSOURCES} {GENETIQUES} ; {DIVERSITE} {SPECIFIQUE} ; {DOMESTICATION} {DES} {PLANTES} ; {CACAO} ; {ESPECE} {LOCALE} ; {PLANTATION} {VILLAGEOISE} ; {EQUATEUR} ; {AMAZONIE} ; {ZAMORA} {CHINCHIPE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}evista {ESPAMC}iencia}, volume = {6}, numero = {{N}o sp{\'e}cial}, pages = {12--14}, year = {2016}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010076408}, }