@article{fdi:010076252, title = {{H}ydrostatic pressure helps to cultivate an original anaerobic bacterium from the {A}tlantis {M}assif subseafloor ({IODP} {E}xpedition 357) : {P}etrocella atlantisensis gen. nov. sp. nov.}, author = {{Q}u{\'e}m{\'e}neur, {M}arianne and {E}rauso, {G}. and {F}rouin, {E}. and {Z}eghal, {E}. and {V}andecasteele, {C}. and {O}llivier, {B}ernard and {T}amburini, {C}. and {G}arel, {M}. and {M}enez, {B}. and {P}ostec, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{R}ock-hosted subseafloor habitats are very challenging for life, and current knowledge about microorganisms inhabiting such lithic environments is still limited. {T}his study explored the cultivable microbial diversity in anaerobic enrichment cultures from cores recovered during the {I}nternational {O}cean {D}iscovery {P}rogram ({IODP}) {E}xpedition 357 from the {A}tlantis {M}assif ({M}id-{A}tlantic {R}idge, 30 degrees {N}). 16{S} r{RNA} gene survey of enrichment cultures grown at 10-25 degrees {C} and p{H} 8.5 showed that {F}irmicutes and {P}roteobacteria were generally dominant. {H}owever, cultivable microbial diversity significantly differed depending on incubation at atmospheric pressure (0.1 {MP}a), or hydrostatic pressures ({HP}) mimicking the in situ pressure conditions (8.2 or 14.0 {MP}a). {A}n original, strictly anaerobic bacterium designated 70{B}-{A}({T}) was isolated from core {M}0070{C}-3{R}1 (1150 meter below sea level; 3.5 m below seafloor) only from cultures performed at 14.0 {MP}a. {T}his strain named {P}etrocella atlantisensis is a novel species of a new genus within the newly described family {V}allitaleaceae (order {C}lostridiales, phylum {F}irmicutes). {I}t is a mesophilic, moderately halotolerant and piezophilic chemoorganotroph, able to grow by fermentation of carbohydrates and proteinaceous compounds. {I}ts 3.5 {M}b genome contains numerous genes for {ABC} transporters of sugars and amino acids, and pathways for fermentation of mono- and di-saccharides and amino acids were identified. {G}enes encoding multimeric [{F}e{F}e] hydrogenases and a {R}nf complex form the basis to explain hydrogen and energy production in strain 70{B}-{A}({T}). {T}his study outlines the importance of using hydrostatic pressure in culture experiments for isolation and characterization of autochthonous piezophilic microorganisms from subseafloor rocks.}, keywords = {{A}tlantis {M}assif ; subseafloor ; oceanic crust ; serpentinization ; anaerobic culture ; hydrostatic pressure ; {ATLANTIQUE} ; {ATLANTIS} {MASSIF}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}rontiers in {M}icrobiology}, volume = {10}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 1497 [16 ]}, ISSN = {1664-302{X}}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.3389/fmicb.2019.01497}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010076252}, }