@article{fdi:010076065, title = {{M}ultiple colonizations, hybridization and uneven diversification in {C}yrtandra ({G}esneriaceae) lineages on {H}awai'i {I}sland}, author = {{J}ohnson, {M}. {A}. and {P}illon, {Y}ohan and {S}akishima, {T}. and {P}rice, {D}. {K}. and {S}tacy, {E}. {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}im {T}he diversity and composition of species pools within oceanic archipelagos is determined by a combination of colonization, abiotic tolerance, in situ diversification, biotic interactions and extinction. {T}he signature of biogeographic events and evolutionary processes, however, may be masked by recent coalescence and hybridization between closely related species. {W}e used the species-rich plant genus {C}yrtandra ({G}esneriaceae) to investigate the roles of colonization and hybridization in shaping community assemblages on the geologically young {H}awai'i {I}sland. {L}ocation {H}awaiian {I}slands. {T}axon {C}yrtandra ({G}esneriaceae). {M}ethods {W}e sampled 29 {C}yrtandra taxa and putative hybrids across the main {H}awaiian {I}slands and generated single nucleotide polymorphisms ({SNP}s) from nine single-copy nuclear genes. {M}aximum likelihood and {B}ayesian inference were used to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships, divergence times were estimated using secondary calibrations and island ages, and ancestral area estimation was done using likelihood models. {L}astly, we used a {B}ayesian population assignment test and principal components analysis to infer population genetic structure. {R}esults {C}yrtandra colonization of the main {H}awaiian {I}slands appears to have followed the progression rule, whereby the oldest high {H}awaiian {I}slands ({K}aua'i and {O}'ahu) were colonized first, followed by colonization of the younger islands as habitat became available. {H}awai'i {I}sland was colonized four times, with two dispersal events from {O}'ahu and two from {M}aui {N}ui. {T}he different colonization events gave rise to significantly uneven numbers of species, and hybridization among the incipient lineages was detected in the form of intermediate genotypes. {M}ain conclusions {O}ur investigation into community assembly in a species-rich plant genus on a geologically young oceanic island revealed a history of multiple colonizations and hybridization among colonizing lineages. {T}he rapid diversification (3.5 species/{M}y) of one of four {C}yrtandra lineages on {H}awai'i {I}sland may be the result of hybridization between genetically diverse lineages that stem from independent colonization events. {M}ultiple colonization events followed by a merging of lineages may be particularly common during early-stage community assembly on islands and, through the generation of genetic variation, may be especially important for species diversification.}, keywords = {ancestral area estimation ; community assembly ; {H}awaii ; inter-island ; colonization ; island biogeography ; molecular dating ; species radiations ; {HAWAII}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {B}iogeography}, volume = {46}, numero = {6}, pages = {1178--1196}, ISSN = {0305-0270}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1111/jbi.13567}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010076065}, }