@article{fdi:010076058, title = {{A} new water level measurement method combining infrared sensors and floats for applications on laboratory scale channel under unsteady flow regime}, author = {{M}ajdalani, {S}. and {C}hazarin, {J}ean-{P}hilippe and {M}oussa, {R}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n this paper, we studied water transport under an unsteady flow regime in an experimental channel (4 m in length; 3 cm in width). {O}ur experiments implicated some measuring requirements, specifically, a water level ({WL}) detection technique that is able to measure {WL} in a range of 2 cm with a precision of 1 mm. {T}he existing {WL} detection techniques could not meet our measurement requirements. {T}herefore, we propose a new measurement method that combines two approaches: {A}n old water contact technique (float) with a new remote non-contact technique (infrared sensor). {W}e used an extruded polystyrene ({XPS} {F}oam) that needed some adequate treatment before using it as float in experimental measurements. {T}he combination of {IR}-sensors with treated float foam lead to a sensitive measurement method that is able to detect flat and sharp flow signals, as well as highly dynamic variations of water surface level. {B}ased on the experimental measurements of {WL} and outflow at the channel output, we deduced a loop rating curve that is suitable with a power law adjustment. {T}he new measurement method could be extended to larger scale applications like rivers and more complicated cross section geometry of irregular shape.}, keywords = {water level measurement ; laboratory scale channel ; infrared remote ; sensor ; float ; unsteady flow regime ; loop rating curve}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}ensors}, volume = {19}, numero = {7}, pages = {art. 1511 [17p.]}, ISSN = {1424-8220}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.3390/s19071511}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010076058}, }