@article{fdi:010076043, title = {{G}aia-2{MASS} 3{D} maps of {G}alactic interstellar dust within 3 kpc}, author = {{L}allement, {R}. and {B}abusiaux, {C}. and {V}ergely, {J}. {L}. and {K}atz, {D}. and {A}renou, {F}. and {V}alette, {B}ernard and {H}ottier, {C}. and {C}apitanio, {L}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{G}aia stellar measurements are currently revolutionizing our knowledge of the evolutionary history of the {M}ilky {W}ay. 3{D} maps of the interstellar dust provide complementary information and are a tool for a wide range of uses. {W}e built 3{D} maps of the dust in the {L}ocal arm and surrounding regions. {T}o do so, {G}aia {DR}2 photometric data were combined with 2{MASS} measurements to derive extinction toward stars that possess accurate photometry and relative uncertainties on {DR}2 parallaxes smaller than 20%. {W}e applied a new hierarchical inversion algorithm to the individual extinctions that is adapted to large datasets and to an inhomogeneous target distribution. {E}ach step associates regularized {B}ayesian inversions in all radial directions and a subsequent inversion in 3{D} of all their results. {E}ach inverted distribution serves as a prior for the subsequent step, and the spatial resolution is progressively increased. {W}e present the resulting 3{D} distribution of the dust in a 6 x 6 x 0.8 kpc(3) volume around the {S}un. {I}ts main features are found to be elongated along different directions that vary from below to above the mid-plane. {T}he outer part of {C}arina-{S}agittarius, mainly located above the mid-plane, the {L}ocal arm/{C}ygnus {R}ift around and above the mid-plane, and the fragmented {P}erseus arm are oriented close to the direction of circular motion. {T}he spur of more than 2 kpc length (nicknamed the split) that extends between the {L}ocal {A}rm and {C}arina-{S}agittarius, the compact near side of {C}arina-{S}agittarius, and the {C}ygnus {R}ift below the {P}lane are oriented along l similar to 40 to 55 degrees. {D}ust density images in vertical planes reveal a wavy pattern in some regions and show that the solar neighborhood within similar to 500 pc remains atypical by its extent above and below the {P}lane. {W}e show several comparisons with the locations of molecular clouds, {HII} regions, {O} stars, and masers. {T}he link between the dust concentration and these tracers is markedly different from one region to the other.}, keywords = {dust, extinction ; local insterstellar matter ; {ISM}: clouds}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}stronomy and {A}strophysics}, volume = {625}, numero = {}, pages = {{A}135 [16 p.]}, ISSN = {1432-0746}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1051/0004-6361/201834695}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010076043}, }