@article{fdi:010075669, title = {{A} stage-structured hierarchical {B}ayes model for the babassu palm tree population dynamics : estimated from anthropogenic open area data sets}, author = {{S}irakov, {N}. and {F}ontez, {B}. and {L}ibourel, {T}. and {S}antos, {A}. dos and {M}itja, {D}anielle and {L}oisel, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he babassu palm tree ({A}ttalea speciosa {M}art. ex {S}preng.) is an endemic species of {A}mazon forests, and has social and economical impact/utility. {D}eforestation highlights this palm tree in anthropogenic open areas (pastures and cultivated fields). {S}imultaneously, knowledge concerning the sustainable functioning of the species within these manmade environments is sorely lacking: its life cycle is not well known, and its population dynamics remains unstudied. {I}n this study, our objective was to generate a model of the population dynamics of the babassu palm tree, validated by in situ analysis, to understand how babassu, a forest species, adapts to pastureland and, under certain conditions, becomes invasive. {W}e propose a random matrix model with aggregated variables based on the biological stages of the species as the input. {T}he probabilities of the between-stage transition matrix were modelled using a {D}irichlet-multinomial model with a hierarchy taking geographical organization, i.e. transect level, into account. {T}he integration of prior information was formulated through a {B}ayesian approach. {T}his {B}ayesian hierarchical matrix model enabled us to demonstrate a bottleneck in the population dynamics and a high year-dependent mortality rate at an early stage.}, keywords = {{M}athematical modelling ; {B}ayesian statistics ; {P}opulation dynamics ; {B}abassu palm tree ; {BRESIL} ; {AMAZONIE} ; {PARA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}cological {M}odelling}, volume = {400}, numero = {}, pages = {14--26}, ISSN = {0304-3800}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2019.02.016}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010075669}, }