@article{fdi:010075653, title = {{I}ncrease in growth and alteration of {C}:{N} ratios of {A}vicennia marina and {R}hizophora stylosa subject to elevated {CO}2 concentrations and longer tidal flooding duration}, author = {{J}acotot, {A}. and {M}archand, {C}yril and {A}llenbach, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e investigated the effects of elevated {CO}2 concentrations and longer tidal flooding duration on two-year-old {A}vicennia marina and {R}hizophora stylosa seedlings for a full year. {T}he seedlings were grown in greenhouses for ambient {CO}2 (400 ppm) and in enclosed {CO}2-controlled chambers, which were installed inside the greenhouses for elevated {CO}2 (800 ppm). {T}he tidal flooding duration was set-up according to the species distribution in the intertidal zone in {N}ew {C}aledonia for the controlled treatment and was increased by 1 h 45min for the experimental treatment. {A} total of 400 {A}. marina and 720 {R}. stylosa were monitored during this experiment. {W}e measured heights and basal diameters of all seedlings every 90 days, and we determined the above and below ground biomass at the end of the experiment. {O}ur results showed that elevated {CO}2 increased the growth rates of both {A}. marina and {R}. stylosa, for which the final biomass was, respectively, 46 and 32% higher than in the ambient {CO}2 treatment. {W}e suggest that this increase was driven by a stimulation of photosynthesis under elevated {CO}2, as demonstrated in a previous study. {C}onsidering the tidal flooding duration treatment, we observed a contrasted effect between the species. {L}onger tidal flooding increased the growth of {A}. marina, whereas it reduced the growth of {R}. stylosa in comparison to the controlled treatment. {T}his result may be related to the specific ecosystem zonation in this semi-arid climate, which limits water inputs into the {A}vicennia zone that increases the salt concentration in the soil, whereas {R}hizophora is regularly submerged by tides due to its lower position in the intertidal zone. {A}s a result, the combination of both treatments had a positive cumulative effect on the growth of {A}. marina. {A}lthough it was not the case for {R}. stylosa, the negative effect of longer tidal flooding on this species did not suppress the enhancement of growth resulting from elevated {CO}2 concentrations. {A}t the end of the experiment, elevated {CO}2 increased the {C}:{N}ratios of the seedlings, thereby producing a more refractory organic matter, which will potentially result in lower decomposition rates and thus may increase carbon accumulation in mangrove soils. {T}hese results suggest that future climate changes may enhance the productivity of mangrove seedlings by increasing their growth, which may in turn increase the carbon storage potential of mangroves in their biomass.}, keywords = {mangrove ; elevated {CO}2 ; sea-level rise ; growth ; biomass ; climate changes ; {NOUVELLE} {CALEDONIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}rontiers in {E}cology and {E}volution}, volume = {7}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 98 [11 p.]}, ISSN = {2296-701{X}}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.3389/fevo.2019.00098}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010075653}, }