@article{fdi:010075592, title = {{I}mproving screening for malnourished children at high risk of death : a study of children aged 6-59 months in rural {S}enegal}, author = {{M}yatt, {M}. and {K}hara, {T}. and {D}olan, {C}. and {G}arenne, {M}ichel and {B}riend, {A}ndr{\'e}}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{OBJECTIVE}: {T}o investigate whether children with concurrent wasting and stunting require therapeutic feeding and to better understand whether multiple diagnostic criteria are needed to identify children with a high risk of death and in need of treatment. {DESIGN}: {C}ommunity-based cohort study, following 5751 children through time. {E}ach child was visited up to four times at 6-month intervals. {A}nthropometric measurements were taken at each visit. {S}urvival was monitored using a demographic surveillance system operating in the study villages. {SETTING}: {N}iakhar, a rural area of the {F}atick region of central {S}enegal.{P}articipants{C}hildren aged 6-59 months living in thirty villages in the study area. {RESULTS}: {W}eight-for-age {Z}-score ({WAZ}) and mid-upper arm circumference ({MUAC}) were independently associated with near-term mortality. {T}he lowest {WAZ} threshold that, in combination with {MUAC}, detected all deaths associated with severe wasting or concurrent wasting and stunting was {WAZ} <-2.8. {P}erformance for detecting deaths was best when only {WAZ} and {MUAC} were used. {A}dditional criteria did not improve performance. {R}isk ratios for near-term death in children identified using {WAZ} and {MUAC} suggest that children identified by {WAZ} <-2.8 but with {MUAC} >= 115 mm may require lower-intensity treatment than children identified using {MUAC}<115 mm. {CONCLUSIONS}: {A} combination of {MUAC} and {WAZ} detected all near-term deaths associated with severe anthropometric deficits including concurrent wasting and stunting. {T}herapeutic feeding programmes may achieve higher impact if {WAZ} and {MUAC} admission criteria are used.}, keywords = {{W}asting ; {S}tunting ; {U}nderweight ; {M}id-upper arm circumference ; {A}nthropometry ; {M}ortality ; {T}herapeutic feeding ; {C}hild survival ; {SENEGAL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}ublic {H}ealth {N}utrition}, volume = {22}, numero = {5}, pages = {862--871}, ISSN = {1368-9800}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1017/s136898001800318x}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010075592}, }