@article{fdi:010075587, title = {{T}he composition and abundance of bacterial communities residing in the gut of {G}lossina palpalis palpalis captured in two sites of southern {C}ameroon}, author = {{N}goune, {J}. {M}. {T}. and {R}eveillaud, {J}. and {S}empere, {G}. and {N}jiokou, {F}. and {M}elachio, {T}. {T}. and {A}bate, {L}uc and {T}chioffo, {M}. {T}. and {G}eiger, {A}nne}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground{A} number of reports have demonstrated the role of insect bacterial flora on their host's physiology and metabolism. {T}he tsetse host and vector of trypanosomes responsible for human sleeping sickness (human {A}frican trypanosomiasis, {HAT}) and nagana in animals ({A}frican animal trypanosomiasis, {AAT}) carry bacteria that influence its diet and immune processes. {H}owever, the mechanisms involved in these processes remain poorly documented. {T}his underscores the need for increased research into the bacterial flora composition and structure of tsetse flies. {T}he aim of this study was to identify the diversity and relative abundance of bacterial genera in {G}lossina palpalis palpalis flies collected in two trypanosomiasis foci in {C}ameroon.{M}ethods{S}amples of {G}. p. palpalis which were either negative or naturally trypanosome-positive were collected in two foci located in southern {C}ameroon ({C}ampo and {B}ipindi). {U}sing the {V}3{V}4 and {V}4 variable regions of the small subunit of the 16{S} ribosomal {RNA} gene, we analyzed the respective bacteriome of the flies' midguts.{R}esults{W}e identified ten bacterial genera. {I}n addition, we observed that the relative abundance of the obligate endosymbiont {W}igglesworthia was highly prominent (around 99%), regardless of the analyzed region. {T}he remaining genera represented approximately 1% of the bacterial flora, and were composed of {S}almonella, {S}piroplasma, {S}phingomonas, {M}ethylobacterium, {A}cidibacter, {T}sukamurella, {S}erratia, {K}luyvera and an unidentified bacterium. {T}he genus {S}odalis was present but with a very low abundance. {G}lobally, no statistically significant difference was found between the bacterial compositions of flies from the two foci, and between positive and trypanosome-negative flies. {H}owever, {S}almonella and {S}erratia were only described in trypanosome-negative flies, suggesting a potential role for these two bacteria in fly refractoriness to trypanosome infection. {I}n addition, our study showed the {V}4 region of the small subunit of the 16{S} ribosomal {RNA} gene was more efficient than the {V}3{V}4 region at describing the totality of the bacterial diversity.{C}onclusions{A} very large diversity of bacteria was identified with the discovering of species reported to secrete anti-parasitic compounds or to modulate vector competence in other insects. {F}or future studies, the analyses should be enlarged with larger sampling including foci from several countries.}, keywords = {{G}lossina ; {B}acterial flora ; {S}leeping sickness ; {N}agana ; {T}rypanosome ; {M}etabarcoding ; {CAMEROUN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}arasites and {V}ectors}, volume = {12}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 151 [15 ]}, ISSN = {1756-3305}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1186/s13071-019-3402-2}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010075587}, }