@article{fdi:010075578, title = {{E}l impacto del vertedero de {O}um {A}zza sobre la calidad de las aguas subterraneas de {R}abat ({M}arruecos)}, author = {{T}ouzani, {M}. and {K}acimi, {I}. and {K}assou, {N}. and {M}orarech, {M}. and {B}ahaj, {T}. and {V}alles, {V}. and {B}arbi{\'e}ro, {L}aurent and {Y}ameogo, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} 110 ha dump, located in the {A}krach shallow aquifer area in {M}orocco, was studied in order to characterize the quality of groundwater around the landfill, to delineate the contaminated area and to determine the factors favouring the contamination of groundwater. {T}his dump is located in the city of {O}um {A}zza (15 km south from {R}abat), ({M}ap 1). between the {A}krach {R}iver in the west and the {S}idi {M}ohamed {B}en {A}bdellah {D}am in the east. {T}o assess groundwater pollution from this landfill, piezometric monitoring and {H}ydrochemical analyses were conducted on 22 wells. {T}he results highlight a significant degradation in the groundwater quality, especially in the parts located in the direct vicinity downstream the dump. {I}n the impacted areas, electrical conductivity was above 1100 mu {S} cm-1, bicarbonates were higher than 508 mg {L}-1, chlorides, sulphate, and nitrates contents were higher than 850, 200 and 1 mg {L}-1, respectively. {I}n addition we found high cadmium (50 - 100 mu g {L}-1) and chromium (40 - 230 mu g {L}-1) contents, i.e. much higher than the {WHO} guidelines for drinking or irrigation water. {A} principal component analysis conducted on this dataset highlights the absence of a prevalent principal component ({PC}), with the variance distributed across many {PC}s. {T}he mechanisms responsible for the chemical variance of the hydro system are therefore numerous and fairly balanced in terms of influence. {F}inally, a hierarchical classification brings out three groups of observations, each group corresponding to a level of pollution.}, keywords = {{D}ump ; {O}um {A}zza ; pollution ; {H}ydrochemical ; {PC} ; {MAROC} ; {RABAT} {REGION}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}uadernos {G}eograficos}, volume = {58}, numero = {1}, pages = {68--82}, ISSN = {0210-5462}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.30827/cuadgeo.v58i1.6799}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010075578}, }