@article{fdi:010075571, title = {{E}cological niche divergence associated with species and populations differentiation in {E}rythrophleum ({F}abaceae, {C}aesalpinioideae)}, author = {{G}orel, {A}. {P}. and {D}uminil, {J}{\'e}r{\^o}me and {D}oucet, {J}. {L}. and {F}ayolle, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground and aims - {T}he isolation of populations inside forest refugia during past climate changes has widely been hypothesized as a major driver of tropical plant diversity. {E}nvironmental conditions can also influence patterns of diversity by driving divergent selection leading to local adaptation and, potentially, ecological speciation. {G}enetic and phylogenetic approaches are frequently used to study the diversification of {A}frican tree clades. {H}owever, the environmental space occupied by closely related species or intra-specific gene pools is barely quantified, though needed to properly test hypotheses on diversification processes. {M}ethods - {U}sing species distribution models, we determined the bioclimatic constraints on the distribution of closely related species and intra-specific gene pools. {O}ur study model, {E}rythrophleum ({F}abaceae - {C}aesalpinioideae), is a tropical tree genus widespread across {A}frica, and vastly investigated for genetics. {H}ere, we combined the available phylogenetic data with information on niche divergence to explore the role of ecology into diversification at the species and gene pool levels. {K}ey results - {E}cological speciation through climate has probably played a key role in the evolution of the {E}rythrophleum species. {T}he differential climatic niche of the species indicated adaptive divergence along rainfall gradients, that have probably been boosted by past climate fluctuations. {A}t the gene pool level, past climate changes during the {P}leistocene have shaped genetic diversity, though within {E}rythrophleum suaveolens, adaptive divergence also occurred. {C}onclusions - {W}e believe that ecological speciation is a key mechanism of diversification for tropical {A}frican tree species, since such climatic niche partition exist among many other genera. {M}odelling the environmental niche of closely related taxa, and testing for niche differentiation, combined with divergence dates offered new insights on the process of diversification.}, keywords = {{E}cological divergence ; ecological speciation ; {E}rythrophleum ; forest ; refuge hypothesis ; gene pools ; local adaptation ; {M}ax{E}nt {A}lgorithm ; niche ; divergence ; rainfall gradients ; {A}frican tropical trees ; {AFRIQUE} ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}lant {E}cology and {E}volution}, volume = {152}, numero = {1}, pages = {41--52}, ISSN = {2032-3913}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.5091/plecevo.2019.1543}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010075571}, }