@article{fdi:010075540, title = {{A} glider-compatible optical sensor for the detection of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the marine environment}, author = {{C}yr, {F}. and {T}edetti, {M}arc and {B}esson, {F}. and {B}hairy, {N}. and {G}outx, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his study presents the {M}ini{F}luo-{UV}, an ocean glider-compatible fluorescence sensor that targets the detection of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ({PAH}s) in the marine environment. {T}wo {M}ini{F}luos can be installed on a glider, each equipped with two optical channels (one {PAH} is measured per channel). {T}his setup allows the measurement of up to 4 different fluorescent {PAH}s: {N}aphthalene, {P}henanthrene, {F}luorene and {P}yrene. {L}aboratory tests on oil products ({M}aya crude oil and {D}iesel fuel) as well as on marine samples near industrial areas (urban harbor and offshore installations) revealed that the concentration of the four {PAH}s targeted accounted for 62-97% of the total {PAH} concentration found in samples ({S}igma 16 {PAH}s determined by standard international protocols). {L}aboratory tests also revealed that for marine applications, the calibration on {W}ater {A}ccommodated {F}raction ({WAF}) of crude oil is more appropriate than the one on pure standards ({STD}). {T}his is because {PAH} fluorescence is constituted in large part of alkylated compounds that are not considered with {STD} calibration. {R}esults from three glider deployments with increasing levels of complexity (a laboratory trial, a field mission in non-autonomous mode and a fully autonomous mission) are also presented. {D}uring field deployments, the {M}ini{F}luo-glider package was able to detect concentration gradients from offshore marine waters toward the head of a {M}editerranean harbor ( < 80 ng {L}-1) as well as hydrocarbon patches at the surface waters of an oil and gas exploitation field in the {N}orth {S}ea (< 200 ng {L}-1, mainly {N}aphthalene). {I}t is suggested that using only the {WAF} calibration, the concentration derived with the {M}ini{F}luo agrees within one order of magnitude with the concentration determined by {G}as {C}hromatography coupled with {M}ass {S}pectrometry (overestimation by a factor 7 on average). {T}hese performances can be improved if the calibration is made with a {WAF} with {PAH} proportions similar to the one find in the environment. {F}inally, it is shown that the use of in situ calibration on water samples collected during the glider deployment, when possible, gives the best results.}, keywords = {{M}ini{F}luo-{UV} ; glider ; {S}ea{E}xplorer ; fluorescence ; hydrocarbons ; {PAH} ; oil spills ; marine environment monitoring ; {MEDITERRANEE} ; {MER} {DU} {NORD} ; {MARSEILLE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}rontiers in {M}arine {S}cience}, volume = {6}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 110 [15 p.]}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.3389/fmars.2019.00110}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010075540}, }