@article{fdi:010075505, title = {{E}arlier initiation of antiretroviral treatment coincides with an initial control of the {HIV}-1 sub-subtype {F}1 outbreak among men-having-sex-with-men in {F}landers, {B}elgium}, author = {{V}inken, {L}. and {F}ransen, {K}. and {C}uypers, {L}. and {A}lexiev, {I}. and {B}alotta, {C}. and {D}ebaisieux, {L}. and {S}eguin-{D}evaux, {C}. and {R}ibas, {S}. {G}. and {G}omes, {P}. and {I}ncardona, {F}. and {K}aiser, {R}. and {R}uelle, {J}. and {S}ayan, {M}. and {P}araschiv, {S}. and {P}aredes, {R}. and {P}eeters, {M}artine and {S}onnerborg, {A}. and {V}ancutsem, {E}. and {V}andamme, {A}. {M}. and {V}an den {W}ijngaert, {S}. and {V}an {R}anst, {M}. and {V}erhofstede, {C}. and {S}tadler, {T}. and {L}emey, {P}. and {V}an {L}aethem, {K}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{H}uman immunodeficiency virus type 1 ({HIV}-1) non-{B} subtype infections occurred in {B}elgium since the 1980s, mainly amongst migrants and heterosexuals, whereas subtype {B} predominated in men-having-sex-with-men ({MSM}). {I}n the last decade, the diagnosis of {F}1 sub-subtype in particular has increased substantially, which prompted us to perform a detailed reconstruction of its epidemiological history. {T}o this purpose, the {B}elgian {AIDS} {R}eference {L}aboratories collected {HIV}-1 pol sequences from all subsubtype {F}1-infected patients for whom genotypic drug resistance testing was requested as part of routine clinical follow-up. {T}his data was complemented with {HIV}-1 pol sequences from countries with a high burden of {F}1 infections or a potential role in the global origin of sub-subtype {F}1. {T}he molecular epidemiology of the {B}elgian subtype {F}1 epidemic was investigated using {B}ayesian phylogenetic inference and transmission dynamics were characterized based on birth-death models. {F}1 sequences were retained from 297 patients diagnosed and linked to care in {B}elgium between 1988 and 2015. {P}hylogenetic inference indicated that among the 297 {B}elgian {F}1 sequences, 191 belonged to a monophyletic group that mainly contained sequences from people likely infected in {B}elgium ({OR} 26.67, 95% {CI} 9.59-74.15), diagnosed in {F}landers ({OR} 7.28, 95% {CI} 4.23-12.53), diagnosed at a recent stage of infection ({OR} 7.19, 95% {CI} 2.88-17.95) or declared to be {MSM} ({OR} 34.8, 95% {CI} 16.0-75.6). {T}ogether with a {S}panish clade, this {B}elgian clade was embedded in the genetic diversity of {B}razilian subtype {F}1 strains and most probably emerged after one or only a few migration events from {B}razil to the {E}uropean continent before 2002. {T}he origin of the {B}elgian outbreak was dated back to 2002 (95% higher posterior density 2000-2004) and birth-death models suggested that its extensive growth had been controlled ({R}-e < 1) by 2012, coinciding with a time period where delay in antiretroviral treatment initiation substantially declined. {I}n conclusion, phylogenetic reconstruction of the {B}elgian {HIV}-1 sub-subtype {F}1 epidemic illustrates the introduction and substantial dissemination of viral strains in a geographically restricted risk group that was most likely controlled by effective treatment as prevention.}, keywords = {{HIV}-1 ; sub-subtype {F}1 ; {B}elgium ; phylodynamics ; men-having-sex-with-men ; treatment as prevention ; {BELGIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}rontiers in {M}icrobiology}, volume = {10}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 613 [11 p.]}, ISSN = {1664-302{X}}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.3389/fmicb.2019.00613}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010075505}, }