@article{fdi:010075492, title = {{D}ynamic viability of the 2016 {M}w 7.8 {K}aikoura earthquake cascade on weak crustal faults}, author = {{U}lrich, {T}. and {G}abriel, {A}. {A}. and {A}mpuero, {J}ean-{P}aul and {X}u, {W}. {B}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e present a dynamic rupture model of the 2016 {M}-w 7.8 {K}aikoura earthquake to unravel the event's riddles in a physics-based manner and provide insight on the mechanical viability of competing hypotheses proposed to explain them. {O}ur model reproduces key characteristics of the event and constraints puzzling features inferred from high-quality observations including a large gap separating surface rupture traces, the possibility of significant slip on the subduction interface, the non-rupture of the {H}ope fault, and slow apparent rupture speed. {W}e show that the observed rupture cascade is dynamically consistent with regional stress estimates and a crustal fault network geometry inferred from seismic and geodetic data. {W}e propose that the complex fault system operates at low apparent friction thanks to the combined effects of overpressurized fluids, low dynamic friction and stress concentrations induced by deep fault creep.}, keywords = {{NOUVELLE} {ZELANDE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{N}ature {C}ommunications}, volume = {10}, numero = {}, pages = {12131 [16 ]}, ISSN = {2041-1723}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1038/s41467-019-09125-w}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010075492}, }