@article{fdi:010075470, title = {{H}omogeneous internal structure of {CM}-like asteroid (41) {D}aphne}, author = {{C}arry, {B}. and {V}achier, {F}. and {B}erthier, {J}. and {M}arsset, {M}. and {V}ernazza, {P}. and {G}rice, {J}. and {M}erline, {W}. {J}. and {L}agadec, {E}. and {F}ienga, {A}. and {C}onrad, {A}. and {P}odlewska-{G}aca, {E}. and {S}antana-{R}os, {T}. and {V}iikinkoski, {M}. and {H}anus, {J}. and {D}umas, {C}. and {D}rummond, {J}. {D}. and {T}amblyn, {P}. {M}. and {C}hapman, {C}. {R}. and {B}ehrend, {R}. and {B}ernasconi, {L}. and {B}artczak, {P}. and {B}enkhaldoun, {Z}. and {B}irlan, {M}. and {C}astillo-{R}ogez, {J}. and {C}ipriani, {F}. and {C}olas, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {D}rouard, {A}. and {D}urech, {J}. and {E}nke, {B}. {L}. and {F}auvaud, {S}. and {F}errais, {M}. and {F}etick, {R}. and {F}usco, {T}. and {G}illon, {M}. and {J}ehin, {E}. and {J}orda, {L}. and {K}aasalainen, {M}. and {K}eppler, {M}. and {K}ryszczynska, {A}. and {L}amy, {P}. and {M}archis, {F}. and {M}arciniak, {A}. and {M}ichalowski, {T}. and {M}ichel, {P}. and {P}ajuelo, {M}. and {T}angal, {P}. and {V}igan, {A}. and {W}arner, {B}. and {W}itasse, {O}. and {Y}ang, {B}. and {Z}urlo, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}ontext. {CM}-like asteroids ({C}h and {C}gh classes) are a major population within the broader {C}-complex, encompassing about 10% of the mass of the main asteroid belt. {T}heir internal structure has been predicted to be homogeneous, based on their compositional similarity as inferred from spectroscopy and numerical modeling of their early thermal evolution. {A}ims. {H}ere we aim to test this hypothesis by deriving the density of the {CM}-like asteroid (41) {D}aphne from detailed modeling of its shape and the orbit of its small satellite. {M}ethods. {W}e observed {D}aphne and its satellite within our imaging survey with the {V}ery {L}arge {T}elescope extreme adaptive-optics {SPHERE}/{ZIMPOL} camera and complemented this data set with earlier {K}eck/{NIRC}2 and {VLT}/{NACO} observations. {W}e analyzed the dynamics of the satellite with our {G}enoid meta-heuristic algorithm. {C}ombining our high-angular resolution images with optical lightcurves and stellar occultations, we determine the spin period, orientation, and 3{D} shape, using our {ADAM} shape modeling algorithm. {R}esults. {T}he satellite orbits {D}aphne on an equatorial, quasi-circular, prograde orbit, like the satellites of many other large main-belt asteroids. {T}he shape model of {D}aphne reveals several large flat areas that could be large impact craters. {T}he mass determined from this orbit combined with the volume computed from the shape model implies a density for {D}aphne of 1.77 +/- 0.26 g cm(-3) (3 sigma). {T}his density is consistent with a primordial {CM}-like homogeneous internal structure with some level of macroporosity (approximate to 17%). {C}onclusions. {B}ased on our analysis of the density of {D}aphne and 75 other {C}h/{C}gh-type asteroids gathered from the literature, we conclude that the primordial internal structure of the {CM} parent bodies was homogeneous.}, keywords = {minor planets, asteroids: general ; minor planets, asteroids: individual: ; {D}aphne methods: observational ; techniques: high angular resolution}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}stronomy and {A}strophysics}, volume = {623}, numero = {}, pages = {{A}132 [36 p.]}, ISSN = {1432-0746}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1051/0004-6361/201833898}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010075470}, }