@article{fdi:010075321, title = {{R}eturning social context to seismic risk knowledge and management : lessons learned from an interdisciplinary research in the city of {E}smeraldas, {E}cuador}, author = {{R}ebotier, {J}. and {P}igeon, {P}. and {M}etzger, {P}ascale}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{F}inding a holistic and integrative - yet applied and manageable - framework for both understanding and reducing disaster risk has been at the forefront of the most challenging disaster risk research for decades. {S}till, the search for what some consider unachievable involves multiple challenges, from institutional or cultural site-specific obstacles to more structural complications, including social conditions of knowledge-production and competing epistemological framings. {A}s part of the ongoing {REMAKE} programme ({S}eismic {R}isk in {E}cuador: {M}itigation, {A}nticipation and {K}nowledge of {E}arthquakes), contributions from the social sciences provide a contextual approach to enlighten the understanding and management of seismic disaster risk, especially in {E}smeraldas after the 2016 {P}edernales disaster. {A}nalysing experience reports and feedback from {REMAKE} allows the authors to highlight the contribution of geosciences and social sciences to the field of risk prevention. {S}uch analysis also emphasizes the relevance of interdisciplinary research. {F}urther, looking more deeply at this research experience shows the importance of underlying social conditionings in producing prescriptive knowledge on disaster risk. {T}he search for more integrative research and action frameworks cannot avoid addressing an epistemological debate on approaches and conceptual models of disaster risk. {S}uch a level of reflexivity within the discourse of research programming and risk management is consistent with the {R}isk {S}ociety thesis and the primary challenges that it posits. {L}essons learned from {REMAKE} offer some insights to nurture the very first steps towards interdisciplinary research programmes and integrative disaster prevention policies, so that a significant difference might be made in disaster risk reduction.}, keywords = {{EQUATEUR} ; {ESMERALDAS}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}ybergeo : {R}evue {E}urop{\'e}enne de {G}{\'e}ographie}, numero = {}, pages = {en ligne [25 ]}, ISSN = {1278-3366}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.4000/cybergeo.31787}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010075321}, }