@article{fdi:010075249, title = {{A}deylithon bosencei gen. et sp. nov. ({C}orallinales, {R}hodophyta) : a new reef-building genus with anatomical affinities with the fossil {A}ethesolithon}, author = {{P}ena, {V}. and {L}e {G}all, {L}. and {R}osler, {A}. and {P}ayri, {C}laude and {B}raga, {J}. {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}deylithon gen. nov. with one species, {A}. bosencei sp. nov., belonging to the subfamily {H}ydrolithoideae is described from {P}acific coral reefs based on psb{A} sequences and morpho-anatomy. {I}n contrast with {H}ydrolithon, {A}. bosencei showed layers of large polygonal "cells," which resulted from extensive lateral fusions of perithallial cells, interspersed among layers of vegetative cells. {T}his anatomical feature is shared with the fossil {A}ethesolithon, but lacking {DNA} sequences from the fossils and the fragmentary nature of {A}ethesolithon type material, we cannot ascertain if {A}deylithon and {A}ethesolithon are congeneric. {M}orpho-anatomical features of {A}. bosencei were generally congruent with diagnostic features of the subfamily {H}ydrolithoideae: (i) outline of cell filaments entirely lost in large portions due to pervasive and extensive cell fusions, (ii) trichocytes not arranged in tightly packed horizontal fields, (iii) basal layer without palisade cells, and (iv) cells lining the canal pore oriented more or less perpendicular to roof surface and not protruding into the canal. {H}owever, it showed a predominant monomerous thallus organization and trichocytes were disposed in large pustulate, horizontal fields, although they were not tightly packed and did not become distinctly buried in the thallus. {O}nly mature tetrasporangial conceptacles were observed, therefore the type of conceptacle roof formation remained undetermined. {A}deylithon bosencei occurs on shallow coral reefs, in {A}ustralia, {P}apua {N}ew {G}uinea, and {S}outh {P}acific islands ({F}iji, {V}anuatu). {F}ossil {A}ethesolithon is considered an important component of shallow coral reefs since the {M}iocene; fossil records showed a broad {I}ndo-{P}acific distribution, but a long-term process of range contraction in the last 2.6 million years, resulting in an overlap with the distribution of the extant {A}deylithon. {W}hile the congeneric nature of extant and fossil taxa remained uncertain, similarities in morpho-anatomy, habitat, and distribution may indicate that both taxa likely shared a common ancestor.}, keywords = {coral reefs ; {C}orallinaceae ; distribution ; fossil coralline algae ; {H}ydrolithoideae ; {P}acific ; paleobiogeography ; phylogeny ; systematics ; taxonomy ; {PACIFIQUE} ; {AUSTRALIE} ; {LIZARD} {ILE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {P}hycology}, volume = {55}, numero = {1}, pages = {134--145}, ISSN = {0022-3646}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1111/jpy.12799}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010075249}, }