@article{fdi:010075200, title = {{S}oil tillage impact on the relative contribution of dissolved, particulate and gaseous ({CO}2) carbon losses during rainstorms}, author = {{C}haplot, {V}incent and {D}arboux, {F}. and {A}lexis, {M}. and {C}ottenot, {L}. and {G}aillard, {H}. and {Q}uenea, {K}. and {M}utema, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}lthough the impact of water erosion on soil carbon losses has been widely investigated, little is known about the relative contributions of dissolved, particulate and gaseous losses, a prerequisite for understanding the mechanisms of carbon ({C}) export from soils and designing mitigation procedures. {T}he main objective of this study was to quantify the losses of dissolved organic and inorganic {C} ({DOC}, {DIC}), particulate organic {C} ({POC}) and soil {CO}2 from runoff microplots on tilled ({T}) and no-tilled ({NT}) soils. {T}he study was performed in the {B}eauce region in central {F}rance under {L}uvisols using 45 and 80 mmh(-1) artificial rains. {A}t 45 mm h(-1), {T} plots produced {C} erosion at an average of 1189.7 +/- 114.8 mg {C} m(-2) h(-1) with 76.9% of it being {POC} (915.0 +/- 100.0 mg {C} m(-2) h(-1)), 21.7% {DOC} (258.3.0 +/- 7.6 mg {C} m(-2)h(-1)), 1.4% (16.3 +/- 7.2 mg {C} m(-2)h(-1)), {DIC} and 0.01% {CO}2. {NT} decreased total soil {C} losses by 95% (from 0.8 to 0.038 g {C} m(-2)h(-1)) and soil {C} losses were as {CO}2 only. {A}t 80 mm h(-1) {NT} surprisingly increased {C} erosion by 40% compared to {T} (from 39.4 to 55.3 g {C} m(2) h(-1)), with 95.5% of the {C} losses being {POC} vs 88.7% for {T}. {T}hese results on rainstorm-induced {C} fluxes from soils controlled by tillage are expected to be of future value: (1) for selecting appropriate land management that will mitigate against {C} losses from soils and improve soil carbon sequestration and; (2) to better understand the {G}lobal {C}arbon {C}ycle and further develop the existing models.}, keywords = {{L}and degradation ; {A}gricultural practices ; {G}lobal change ; {C}limate ; {FRANCE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}oil and {T}illage {R}esearch}, volume = {187}, numero = {}, pages = {31--40}, ISSN = {0167-1987}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1016/j.still.2018.11.010}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010075200}, }