@article{fdi:010075148, title = {{S}uitability of the shallow water hydrothermal system at {A}mbitle {I}sland ({P}apua {N}ew {G}uinea) to study the effect of high p{CO}(2) on coral reefs}, author = {{P}ichler, {T}. and {B}iscere, {T}. and {K}inch, {J}. and {Z}ampighi, {M}. and {H}oulbr{\`e}que, {F}anny and {R}odolfo-{M}etalpa, {R}iccardo}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{V}olcanic {CO}2 seeps were successfully used to predict coral reef response to ocean acidification, although toxic elements, often characteristic of hydrothermal vents were rarely reported. {W}e measured the physicochemical conditions, seawater carbonate chemistry and trace elements in {T}utum {B}ay, {P}apua {N}ew {G}uinea. {T}here, intense emission of hydrothermal fluids and {CO}2 expose the coral reef to a seawater p{H}({T}) between 7.6 and 7.7. {A}rsenic and silica were enriched by up to six times in surface seawater, while bottom concentrations were lower and thus similar to coral reefs worldwide. {M}anganese, cesium, iron and zinc concentrations fell into the range of other coastal environments. {O}ur measurements suggest that {T}utum {B}ay is a suitable site to study the response of coral reefs to high p{CO}(2). {C}onsidering that arsenic is a common metal in hydrothermal fluids, its characterization should be included in any study that uses volcanic {CO}2 seeps as natural laboratories for ocean acidification.}, keywords = {{C}oral reefs ; {O}cean acidification ; {M}etal pollution ; {A}rsenic ; {CO}2 vents ; {PAPOUASIE} {NOUVELLE} {GUINEE} ; {AMBITLE} {ILE} ; {TUTUM} {BAIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}arine {P}ollution {B}ulletin}, volume = {138}, numero = {}, pages = {148--158}, ISSN = {0025-326{X}}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1016/j.marpolbul.2018.11.003}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010075148}, }