@book{fdi:010075044, title = {{S}oils as a key component of the critical zone 3 : soils and water circulation}, author = {{B}ourri{\'e}, {G}.}, editor = {{B}ourri{\'e}, {G}.}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his book invites the reader to look differently at two seemingly mundane resources: soil and water. {W}ater possesses extraordinary properties which form the foundations of life itself. {W}ithout water, there would be no life, and without soils, no terrestrial life. {T}he interaction between soils and water is therefore fundamental to the habitability of {E}arth's land surface. {T}hrough in-depth analyses and experimentation, {S}oils as a {K}ey {C}omponent of the {C}ritical {Z}one 3 explores the circulation of water in soils. {T}hrough its properties, soil directs the path of water, leading it to wet soils or not, be absorbed by plants, infiltrate or runoff, concentrate in certain areas or flood. {T}he potentially catastrophic consequences of such floods are often due to the absence or insufficiency of prevention measures. {T}his book thus shows the ways in which the relationship between water, life and soils is much more than a simple series of interactions or phenomena at interfaces and in fact constitutes a system with definite properties.}, keywords = {}, address = {{L}ondres}, publisher = {{ISTE} ; {W}iley}, series = {{G}eosciences {S}eries. {S}oils {S}et}, pages = {192}, year = {2018}, ISBN = {978-1-78630-217-5}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010075044}, }