@book{fdi:010075043, title = {{S}oils as a key component of the critical zone 4 : soils and water quality}, author = {{B}ourri{\'e}, {G}.}, editor = {{B}ourri{\'e}, {G}.}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his book provides the most up-to-date knowledge on water in soils and applications for the best use of our water resources. {I}t first addresses the influence of soils on water quality, which is linked to rock weathering, soil formation, acidity and waterlogging. {H}ere, the constituents of soils - such as clay minerals and iron oxides - play a major role. {T}hese modifications also have an impact on biogeochemical processes at the global scale, including the carbon cycle and the composition of the atmosphere. {S}econdly, this book discusses soil salinity, alkalinity and sodification in climates spanning from {M}editerranean to arid. {H}ere, water quality results from the concentration of solutes by evaporation and the transpiration of plants. {T}he proper management of irrigation both protects soils against acidification and ensures sustainable agroecological development, while improper management leads to soil degradation and groundwater overexploitation. {L}astly, the book describes how excess transfer of phosphorus in lakes results from a cascade of liberation and immobilization in the structure of the surrounding landscape. {T}his leads to a general integrative method to limit eutrophication and restore the quality of water bodies.}, keywords = {{FRANCE} ; {ALGERIE}}, address = {{L}ondres}, publisher = {{ISTE} ; {W}iley}, series = {{G}eosciences {S}eries. {S}oils {S}et}, pages = {212}, year = {2018}, ISBN = {978-1-78630-348-6}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010075043}, }