@techreport{fdi:010075036, title = {{N}ickal - {T}ypologie des minerais lat{\'e}ritiques de {N}ouvelle-{C}al{\'e}donie et facteurs de concentration de {C}o et {N}i : rapport scientifique final. {L}es gisements de {N}ickel lat{\'e}ritique de {N}ouvelle-{C}al{\'e}donie : volume {II}}, author = {{B}ailly, {L}. and {A}mbrosi, {J}.{P}. and {B}arbarand, {J}. and {B}eauvais, {A}nicet and {C}luzel, {D}. and {L}erouge, {C}. and {P}rognon, {F}. and {Q}uesnel, {E}. and {R}amana{\¨ie}dou, {E}. and {R}icordel-{P}rognon, {C}. and {R}uffet, {G}. and {S}evin, {B}. and {W}ells, {M}. and {Y}ans, {J}. and {A}lizert, {A}. and {A}udion, {A}.{S}. and {G}autheron, {C}. and {W}inninger, {J}.{E}.}, editor = {{B}ailly, {L}.}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {}, keywords = {{LATERITE} ; {TYPOLOGIE} ; {NICKEL} ; {COBALT} ; {EXPLOITATION} {DU} {SOUS} {SOL} ; {DATATION} ; {ISOTOPE} ; {PALEOMAGNETISME} ; {NOUVELLE} {CALEDONIE}}, address = {{N}oum{\'e}a}, publisher = {{CNRT} {N}ickel & son environnement}, series = {{N}ickel et {T}echnologie}, pages = {448}, year = {2014}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010075036}, }