@techreport{fdi:010075034, title = {{F}onctionnement des petits bassins versants miniers. {V}olume 1 : rapport de synth{\`e}se}, author = {{A}llenbach, {M}. and {A}ndreoli, {R}. and {C}avarero, {V}. and {C}aze, {N}. and {C}luzel, {D}. and {C}outurier, {A}. and {D}e {B}oissieu, {F}. and {D}espinoy, {M}arc and {D}umas, {P}. and {F}louvat, {F}. and {G}unkel-{G}rillon, {P}. and {H}oibian, {T}. and {J}eanpert, {J}. and {J}oin, {J}.{L}. and {K}ranitz, {T}. and {M}angeas, {M}organ and {M}athys, {N}. and {M}{\'e}tayer, {C}. and {M}eyer, {M}. and {R}ecking, {A}. and {R}ichard, {D}. and {R}ouet, {I}. and {S}elmaoui-{F}olcher, {N}. and {T}emaui, {T}. and {T}ouraivane and {W}attelez, {G}. and {Y}u, {O}.}, editor = {{A}llenbach, {M}.}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {}, keywords = {{HYDROLOGIE} ; {HYDROGEOLOGIE} ; {TELEDETECTION} ; {BASSIN} {VERSANT} ; {TRANSPORT} {SOLIDE} ; {METAL} ; {INSTRUMENTATION} ; {MODELISATION} ; {NOUVELLE} {CALEDONIE}}, address = {{N}oum{\'e}a}, publisher = {{CNRT} {N}ickel & son environnement}, series = {{N}ickel et {E}nvironnement}, pages = {57}, year = {2015}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010075034}, }