@article{fdi:010074941, title = {{T}he combinatory effect of {C}yt1{A}a flexibility and specificity against dipteran larvae improves the toxicity of {B}acillus thuringensis kurstaki toxins}, author = {{Z}ghal, {R}. {Z}. and {F}rikha, {F}. and {E}lleuch, {J}. and {D}arriet, {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}ric and {C}handre, {F}abrice and {J}aoua, {S}. and {T}ounsi, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}yt1{A}98 is a novel cytolytic protein, from {BUPM}98 {B}acillus thuringiensis strain, characterized by its synergistic activity with {B}. thuringiensis kurstaki toxins against lepidopteran larvae. {I}n this study, we evidenced that {C}yt1{A}98 improves the toxicity of {B}. thuringiensis kurstaki toxins against {A}edes aegypti larvae. {I}n fact, the strain {BNS}3p{HT}cyt1{A}98 exhibited a larvicidal activity of about 849-fold of that of {BNS}3p{HTB}lue against {A}. aegypti. {T}he molecular and biochemical characterizations, of cyt1{A}98 gene and its product, were achieved. {C}yt1{A}98 had an {LC}50 value of about 126.56 mg l(-1) against {A}. aegypti larvae. {C}ompared to {C}yt1{A}a of {B}. thuringiensis israelensis, {C}yt1{A}98 amino acid sequence harbours three substitutions of three conserved amino adds among {C}yt1{A}a family members ({S}er42{P}ro, {P}ro82{A}1a, {M}et188{T}hr). {T}he {C}yt1{A}98 protein structural analysis evidenced more flexibility than {C}yt1{A}a. {A}ccording to the high fluctuation observed for the residue {P}ro42, the amino acid at position 42 is implicated in the flexibility property of {C}yt1{A}a especially for the alpha {C} and alpha {D} helices, involved in the penetration into the cell membrane. {T}he toxicity improvement could be probably due to the higher flexibility combined with the specific affinity toward dipteran larvae. {T}he {C}yt1{A}/{B}. thuringiensis kurstaki {C}ry toxins model provides a potential molecular genetic strategy for an efficient bioinsecticide.}, keywords = {{C}yt1{A}98 expression ; {L}arvicidal activity improvement ; {C}yt1{A}a flexibility}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nternational {J}ournal of {B}iological {M}acromolecules}, volume = {123}, numero = {}, pages = {42--49}, ISSN = {0141-8130}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2018.10.226}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074941}, }