@article{fdi:010074932, title = {{H}ydrom{\'e}trie et continuit{\'e} {\'e}cologique : m{\'e}thodes pour un compromis entre sensibilit{\'e} et franchissabilit{\'e} = {H}ydrometry versus ecological continuity : methods to reach a trade-off between sensitivity and connectivity}, author = {{P}oligot-{P}itsch, {S}. and {M}archand, {P}ierre and {T}isserand, {A}. and {P}irolley, {A}. and {H}ery, {B}. and {S}alles, {C}. and {A}rago, {M}. {A}. and {H}ernandez, {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}ric and {R}odier, {C}. and {T}ournoud, {M}. {G}.}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{B}ecause of the physical context in western and southern {F}rance, ie. very low flows and high surface water consumption in summer, the hydrometric services tend to place their gauging stations upstream of non-mobile weirs, as weirs increase the reliability of rating curves and the sensitivity of gauging stations. {H}owever, improving the ecological status of surface water bodies involves a reduction of barriers to ecological continuity. {T}hus the {DREAL} in {P}ays-de-la-{L}oire has searched trade-off solutions and a methodology that could avoid studies on a case by case basis. {M}eanwhile, {H}ydro{S}ciences {M}ontpellier was studying a re-shaping of a weir implanted near the outlet of the main tributary of the {T}hau lagoon, the {V}ene river. {T}he key challenge is to integrate into the weir an "upstream migration structure" for the {E}uropean {A}nguilla ({A}nguilla {A}nguilla) and sustain the sensitivity of the measurement for flood conditions while improving the sensitivity in low water period. {I}n this study, we find in watermark, the guiding principles established by the {DREAL} {P}ays de la {L}oire. {A}s a result of the combination of hydrometric and connectivity constraints, design of a fish-friendly hydrometric weir gives priority to broad-crested weirs with a lower channel, because concentration of low-flow is favourable for both fishes and hydrometry. {E}xamples of theoretical and prototyped designs are given.}, keywords = {hydrometric weirs ; ecological continuity ; {AFB}'s {ICE} protocols ; sensitivity ; {FRANCE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{H}ouille {B}lanche : {R}evue {I}nternationale de l'{E}au}, numero = {5-6}, pages = {58--65}, ISSN = {0018-6368}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1051/lhb/2018052}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074932}, }