@article{fdi:010074921, title = {{R}e-oligotrophication trajectories of macrophyte assemblages in {M}editerranean coastal lagoons based on 17-year time-series}, author = {{L}e {F}ur, {I}. and {D}e {W}it, {R}. and {P}lus, {M}. and {O}heix, {J}. and {D}erolez, {V}. and {S}imier, {M}onique and {M}alet, {N}. and {O}uisse, {V}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}ince the mid-20th century, {M}editerranean lagoons have been affected by eutrophication, leading to significant changes in primary producers. {I}n the early 2000s, management actions have been implemented to reduce nutrient inputs with the aim to achieve a good ecological status as requested by the {EU} water framework directive. {A}s a result of these actions, a sharp decline in nutrient loads has been recorded in several lagoons leading to an oligotrophication of the water column. {T}he analyses of a long-term data set (1998-2015) of 21 polyhaline and euhaline lagoons with contrasting trophic status allowed us to infer a general scheme for the changes in macrophyte assemblages during the oligotrophication process. {P}lacing hypertrophic and oligotrophic conditions end to end, we inferred that the general pattern for the re-oligotrophication trajectory in {M}editerranean coastal lagoons is described by the following sequence, with regime shifts between each state: (1) bare non-vegetated sediments, phytoplankton-dominated state; (2) opportunistic macroalgae; (3) seagrass and perennial macroalgae dominated state. {H}owever, we did not observe the latter regime shift for the most eutrophicated lagoons, which, so far, remained stuck in the opportunistic macroalgae state. {S}o far, the shift from dominance of opportunistic macroalgae to a system dominated by seagrasses was only observed in a single lagoon where seagrasses had never completely disappeared, which possibly relates to resilience. {M}ore generally, the conditions favoring regime shifts from opportunistic macroalgae to seagrasses are still poorly understood. {I}n conclusion, we describe a generic pattern for re-oligotrophication of {M}editerranean coastal lagoons, although a full recovery from highly eutrophied to oligotrophic conditions may require more than a decade and may include conditions that remain so far poorly recognized.}, keywords = {{S}ubmerged aquatic vegetation ; {R}ecovery ; {N}utrient reduction ; {R}estoration ; {L}ong-term data series ; {R}esilience ; {R}egime shift ; {C}oastal lagoon ; {FRANCE} ; {MEDITERRANEE} ; {LYON} {GOLFE} ; {BAGES} {LAGON} ; {AYROLLE} {LAGON} ; {MEJEAN} {LAGON} ; {GREC} {LAGON}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}arine {E}cology {P}rogress {S}eries}, volume = {608}, numero = {}, pages = {13--32}, ISSN = {0171-8630}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.3354/meps12814}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074921}, }