@article{fdi:010074911, title = {{S}patial variation of earthworm communities and soil organic carbon in temperate agroforestry}, author = {{C}ardinael, {R}. and {H}oeffner, {K}. and {C}henu, {C}. and {C}hevallier, {T}iphaine and {B}eral, {C}. and {D}ewisme, {A}. and {C}luzeau, {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he aim of this study was to assess how soil organic {C} ({SOC}) stocks and earthworm communities were modified in agroforestry systems compared to treeless control plots and within the agroforestry plots (tree rows vs alleys). {W}e used a network of 13 silvoarable agroforestry sites in {F}rance along a north/south gradient. {T}otal earthworm abundance and biomass were significantly higher in the tree rows than those in the control plots, but were not modified in the alleys compared to those in the control plots. {E}arthworm species richness, {S}hannon index, and species evenness were significantly higher in the tree rows than those in the alleys. {T}otal abundance of epigeic, epi-anecic, strict anecic, and endogeic was higher in the tree rows. {S}urprisingly, earthworm individual weight was significantly lower in the tree rows than that in the alleys and in the control plots. {SOC} stocks were significantly higher in the tree rows compared to that in the control plots across all sites. {D}espite higher {SOC} stocks in the tree rows, the amount of available {C} per earthworm individual was lower compared to those in the control. {T}he absence of disturbance (no tillage, no fertilizers, no pesticides) in the tree rows rather than increased {SOC} stocks therefore seems to be the main factor explaining the increased total abundance, biomass, and diversity of earthworms. {T}he observed differences in earthworm communities between tree rows and alleys may lead to modified and spatially structured {SOC} dynamics within agroforestry plots.}, keywords = {{S}ilvoarable system ; {A}lley cropping ; {E}arthworm abundance ; {E}arthworm diversity ; {L}umbricidae ; {FRANCE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}iology and {F}ertility of {S}oils}, volume = {55}, numero = {2}, pages = {171--183}, ISSN = {0178-2762}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1007/s00374-018-1332-3}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074911}, }