@article{fdi:010074894, title = {{H}ow is the discourse of performance-based financing shaped at the global level ? : a poststructural analysis}, author = {{G}autier, {L}. and {D}e {A}llegri, {M}. and {R}idde, {V}al{\'e}ry}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground{P}erformance-based financing ({PBF}) in low- and middle-income settings has diffused at an unusually rapid pace. {W}hile many studies have looked at {PBF} implementation processes and effects, there is an empirical research gap investigating the ways {PBF} has diffused. {D}iscursive processes are paramount elements of policy diffusion because they explain the origins of essential elements of the political debate on {PBF}. {U}sing {B}acchi's poststructural approach that emphasises problem representations embedded in the discourse, the present study analyses the construction of the global discourse on {PBF}.{M}ethods{A} rich corpus of qualitative data (57 in-depth interviews and 10 observation notes) was collected. {T}he transcribed material was coded using {QDAM}iner (c). {C}odes were assembled to populate analytical categories informed by the framework on diffusion entrepeneurs and {B}acchi's poststructural approach.{R}esults{O}ur results feature problem representations shaped and spread by {PBF} global diffusion entrepreneurs. {W}e explain how these representations reflected diffusion entrepreneurs' own belief systems and interests, and conflicted with those of non-diffusion entrepreneurs. {T}his research also reveals the specific strategies global diffusion entrepreneurs engaged in to effectively diffuse {PBF}, through reflecting problem representations based on the discourse on {PBF}, and inducing certain forms of policy experimentation, emulation, and learning.{C}onclusions{B}acchi's poststructural approach is useful to analyse the construction of global health problem representations and the strategies set by global diffusion entrepreneurs to spread these representations. {F}uture research is needed to investigate the belief systems, motivations, resources, and strategies of actors that shape the construction of global health discourses.}, keywords = {{G}lobal discourse ; {P}erformance-based financing ; {D}iffusion entrepreneurs ; {P}oststructural analysis ; {AFRIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}lobalization and {H}ealth}, volume = {15}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 6 [21 ]}, ISSN = {1744-8603}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1186/s12992-018-0443-9}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074894}, }