@article{fdi:010074873, title = {{A}ssessment of spatio-temporal changes of land use and land cover over south-western {A}frican basins and their relations with variations of discharges}, author = {{O}bahoundje, {S}. and {D}iedhiou, {A}rona and {O}fosu, {E}. {A}. and {A}nquetin, {S}. and {F}rancois, {B}. and {A}dounkpe, {J}. and {A}moussou, {E}. and {K}ouame, {Y}. {M}. and {K}ouassi, {K}. {L}. and {B}i, {V}. {H}. {N}. and {T}a, {M}. {Y}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}est {A}frican basins play a vital role in the socio-economic development of the region. {T}hey are mostly trans-boundary and sources of different land use practices. {T}his work attempts to assess the spatio-temporal land use and land cover changes over three {S}outh {W}estern {A}frican basins ({V}olta, {M}ono and {S}assandra basins) and their influence on discharge. {T}he land use and land cover maps of each basin were developed for 1988, 2002 and 2016. {T}he results show that all the studied basins present an increase in water bodies, built-up, agricultural land and a decline in vegetative areas. {T}hese increases in water bodies and land use are as a result of an increase in small reservoirs, of dugouts and of dam constructions. {H}owever, the decline in some vegetative clusters could be attributed to the demographic and socio-economic growth as expressed by the expansion of agriculture and urbanization. {T}he basic statistical analysis of precipitation and discharge data reveals that the mean annual discharge varies much more than the total annual precipitation at the three basins. {F}or instance, in the entire {V}olta basin, the annual precipitation coefficient of variation ({CV}) is 10% while the annual discharge {CV} of {N}awuni, {S}aboba and {B}ui are 43.6%, 36.51% and 47.43%, respectively. {I}n {M}ono basin, the annual precipitation {CV} is 11.5% while the {N}angbeto and {A}thieme annual discharge {CV} are 37.15% and 46.60%, respectively. {T}he annual precipitation {CV} in {S}assandra basin is 7.64% while the annual discharge {CV} of {S}oubre and {D}akpadou are 29.41% and 37%, respectively. {T}he discharge varies at least three times much more than the precipitation in the studied basins. {T}he same conclusion was found for all months except the driest months ({D}ecember and {J}anuary). {W}e showed that this great variation in discharge is mainly due to land use and land cover changes. {B}eside the hydrological modification of the land use and land cover changes, the climate of the region as well as the water quality and availability and the hydropower generation may be impacted by these changes in land surfaces conditions. {T}herefore, these impacts should be further assessed to implement appropriate climate services and measures for a sustainable land use and water management.}, keywords = {land use ; land cover ; energy water nexus ; climate change ; {W}est {A}frica ; {BURKINA} {FASO} ; {MALI} ; {BENIN} ; {TOGO} ; {COTE} {D}'{IVOIRE} ; {GHANA} ; {VOLTA} {BASSIN} ; {MONO} {BASSIN} ; {SASSANDRA} {BASSIN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{H}ydrology}, volume = {5}, numero = {4}, pages = {56 [25 ]}, ISSN = {2306-5338}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.3390/hydrology5040056}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074873}, }