@article{fdi:010074871, title = {{T}wenty years after {J}affr{\'e} et al. (1998), is the system of protected areas now adequate in {N}ew {C}aledonia ?}, author = {{I}banez, {T}. and {B}irnbaum, {P}. and {G}ateble, {G}. and {H}equet, {V}anessa and {I}snard, {S}andrine and {M}unzinger, {J}{\'e}r{\^o}me and {P}illon, {Y}ohan and {P}outeau, {R}obin and {V}androt, {H}. and {J}affr{\'e}, {T}anguy}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}rotected areas are the cornerstone on which conservation strategies are often built. {A}dapting systems of protected areas to rapid global changes is critical to meet the challenge of conservation in biodiversity hotspots. {T}wentyyears ago, {J}affre et al. ({B}iodivers {C}onserv 7:109-135, 1998) warned that the system of protected areas in the global biodiversity hotspot of {N}ew {C}aledonia was not adequate to conserve the threatened plant species. {H}ere, we examine changes in major threats to the {N}ew {C}aledonian flora and whether the system of protected areas has been improved to address these threats. {W}hile some improvements have been made, many key shortcomings identified by {J}affre et al. ({B}iodivers {C}onserv 7:109-135, 1998) have not been addressed and the majority of threatened species remain outside protected area. {D}uring the same time, thousands of hectares of vegetation have burned outside and inside protected areas, a hundred new mining concessions were issued and the rate of nickel mining has doubled. {B}etter protection of remaining natural vegetation on ultramafic substrates, which are severely impacted by both mining activities and fires, is urgently needed. {F}urther convergence between research and conservation actions is needed to tackle increasing threats to the unique {N}ew {C}aledonian flora.}, keywords = {{B}iodiversity hotspot ; {C}limate change ; {C}onservation ; {F}ires ; {M}ining ; {P}rotected areas ; {NOUVELLE} {CALEDONIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}iodiversity and {C}onservation}, volume = {28}, numero = {1}, pages = {245--254}, ISSN = {0960-3115}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1007/s10531-018-1659-y}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074871}, }