@article{fdi:010074864, title = {{A}spects of epigenetic regulation in cereals}, author = {{O}ltehua-{L}opez, {O}. and {D}orantes-{A}costa, {A}. {E}. and {I}ngouff, {M}. and {L}anciano, {S}ophie and {L}eblanc, {O}livier and {G}rimanelli, {D}aniel and {M}irouze, {M}arie and {A}rteaga-{V}azquez, {M}. {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}lants' ability to respond to environmental stimuli and developmental cues depends upon changes in gene expression. {I}n eukaryotes, genetic information encoded by {DNA} is packed in a highly regulated and dynamic nucleoprotein complex known as chromatin that is subject to epigenetic modifications. {H}istorically, several biological phenomena relying on epigenetic mechanisms were first characterized in plants. {S}eminal discoveries such as paramutation and silencing of transposable elements were made in maize ({Z}ea mays). {L}ater rice ({O}ryza sativa) was selected as a good model for monocotyledons owing to its relatively small genome size and well-annotated sequenced genome. {I}n the past few years an increasing number of epigenetic and epigenomic studies were performed in both maize and rice. {I}n this chapter we will first compare the basic knowledge acquired on epigenetic regulation in rice and maize versus {A}rabidopsis, then we will describe cereals-specific aspects of epigenetic regulations.}, keywords = {{DNA} {METHYLATION} {PATTERNS} ; {TRANSPOSABLE} {ELEMENTS} ; {SMALL} {RNAS} ; {ALLELIC} ; {VARIATION} ; {IMPRINTED} {GENES} ; {B}1 {LOCUS} ; {MAIZE} ; {RICE} ; {PARAMUTATION} ; {PLANT}}, booktitle = {{P}lant epigenetics coming of age for breeding applications}, journal = {{A}dvances in {B}otanical {R}esearch}, volume = {88}, numero = {}, pages = {361--386}, ISSN = {0065-2296}, year = {2018}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074864}, }