@article{fdi:010074855, title = {{E}fficient enrichment cloning of {TAL} effector genes from {X}anthomonas}, author = {{T}ran, {T}. {T}. and {D}oucoure, {H}. and {H}utin, {M}. and {N}ino, {L}. {M}. {J}. and {S}zurek, {B}oris and {C}unnac, {S}{\'e}bastien and {K}oebnik, {R}alf}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}any plant-pathogenic xanthomonads use a type {III} secretion system to translocate {T}ranscription {A}ctivator-{L}ike ({TAL}) effectors into eukaryotic host cells where they act as transcription factors. {T}arget genes are induced upon binding of a {TAL} effector to double-stranded {DNA} in a sequence-specific manner. {DNA} binding is governed by a highly repetitive protein domain, which consists of an array of nearly identical repeats of ca. 102 base pairs. {M}any species and pathovars of {X}anthomonas, including pathogens of rice, cereals, cassava, citrus and cotton, encode multiple {TAL} effectors in their genomes. {S}ome of the {TAL} effectors have been shown to act as key pathogenicity factors, which induce the expression of susceptibility genes to the benefit of the pathogen. {H}owever, due to the repetitive character and the presence of multiple gene copies, high-throughput cloning of {TAL} effector genes remains a challenge. {I}n order to isolate complete {TAL} effector gene repertoires, we developed an enrichment cloning strategy based on genome-informed in silico optimization of restriction digestions, selective restriction digestion of genomic {DNA}, and size fractionation of {DNA} fragments. {O}ur rapid, cheap and powerful method allows efficient cloning of {TAL} effector genes from xanthomonads, as demonstrated for two rice-pathogenic strains of {X}anthomonas oryzae from {A}frica.}, keywords = {{E}nrichment cloning ; {T}ype {III} secretion ; {T}ype {III} effector ; {TAL} effector ; {TAL}ome ; {X}anthomonas ; {B}acterial leaf blight ; {B}acterial leaf streak ; {R}ice}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}ethodsx}, volume = {5}, numero = {}, pages = {1027--1032}, ISSN = {2215-0161}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.mex.2018.08.014}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074855}, }