@article{fdi:010074808, title = {{Q}uantifying top-down control and ecological traits of the scyphozoan {A}urelia aurita through a dynamic plankton model}, author = {{R}amirez-{R}omero, {E}. and {M}olinero, {J}uan {C}arlos and {P}aulsen, {M}. and {J}avidpour, {J}. and {C}lemmesen, {C}. and {S}ommer, {U}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}urelia aurita ({L}inneaus, 1758) is a cosmopolitan scyphozoan, probably the most investigated jellyfish in temperate and highly productive coastal ecosystems. {D}espite a prominent top-down control in plankton food webs, a mechanistic understanding of {A}. aurita population dynamics and trophic interactions has been barely addressed. {H}ere we develop a food web dynamic model to assess {A}. aurita role in the seasonal plankton dynamics of the {K}iel {F}jord, southwestern {B}altic {S}ea. {T}he model couples low trophic level dynamics, based on a classical {N}utrient {P}hytoplankton {Z}ooplankton {D}etritus ({NPZD}) model, to a stage-resolved copepod model (referencing {P}seudocalanus sp.) and a jellyfish model ({A}. aurita ephyra and medusa) as consumers and predators, respectively. {S}imulations showed the relevance of high abundances of {A}. aurita, which appear related with warm winter temperatures, promoting a shift from a copepod-dominated food web to a ciliate and medusa dominated one. {T}he model captured the intraspecific competition triggered by the medusae abundance and characterized by a negative relationship between population density and individual size/weight. {O}ur results provide a mechanistic understanding of an emergent trait such as size shaping the food web functioning, driving predation rates and population dynamics of {A}. aurita, driving its sexual reproductive strategy at the end of the pelagic phase.}, keywords = {jellyfish ; stage-resolved model ; planktonic food web ; population modeling ; coastal ecosystem ; {BALTIQUE} {MER} ; {KIEL} {FJORD}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {P}lankton {R}esearch}, volume = {40}, numero = {6}, pages = {678--692}, ISSN = {0142-7873}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1093/plankt/fby041}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074808}, }