@article{fdi:010074798, title = {{E}nhanced mercury deposition by {A}mazonian orographic precipitation : evidence from high-elevation {H}olocene records of the {L}ake {T}iticaca region ({B}olivia)}, author = {{G}u{\'e}dron, {S}t{\'e}phane and {L}edru, {M}arie-{P}ierre and {E}scobar-{T}orrez, {K}. and {D}evelle, {A}. {L}. and {B}risset, {E}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{V}ery few studies have focused on historical mercury ({H}g) deposition in the {S}outhern {H}emisphere, especially for the pre-mining period. {T}herefore, the respective contributions of {H}g emissions from anthropogenic and natural sources are not fully constrained and the long-term influence of climate variability is still in debate. {I}n this study, we reconstructed {H}g depositions over the last 13,500 years based on two sedimentary records located at the fringe between {A}mazonia and the {A}ltiplano. {M}ultiproxy analyses carried on the same sedimentary archives (i.e. {H}g accumulation rates ({AR}), major elements, total organic carbon, delta {C}-13 and pollen analyses) show evidence that {H}g deposition has risen according to {A}mazonian orographic moisture and precipitation during the {H}olocene, except for the last 200 years, for which modem industry and goldmining overwhelmed the natural signal. {C}omparisons with existing {H}g records indicated that metallurgy and volcanic emissions were not perceptible due to the eastern down-wind position of the sites. {A}ltogether, it argues that the historical variability of {H}g deposition in the central eastern {A}ndes has been primarily driven by changes in {A}mazonian moisture. {A}t least six main phases of higher {H}g {AR} (2.6 +/- 1.4 mu m(-2) y(-1)) compared to baseline values (0.9 +/- 0.3 mu g m(-2) y(-1)) were identified over the {H}olocene. {D}uring the early and late {H}olocene, phases of higher {H}g {AR} coincided with wet episodes recorded in {L}ake {T}iticaca and {S}ajama records. {D}uring the {M}iddle {H}olocene arid phase, reconstructed wetter episodes by {H}g together with vegetation dynamics were attributed to the set-up of moisture niches in the eastern flanks of the {A}ndes. {C}omparisons to other paleoclimatic records supports the role of {N}orth {A}tlantic sea-surface temperature in forcing precipitation during the late {H}olocene period while other mechanisms allowing moisture niches by orography are discussed for the {M}id-{H}olocene dry phase in the eastern {A}ndes region.}, keywords = {{C}entral {A}ndes ; {P}eat sediment ; {P}ollen stable isotopes ; {C}limate change ; {A}tlantic {M}eridional {O}verturning {C}irculation ; {BOLIVIE} ; {ANDES} ; {AMAZONIE} ; {ATLANTIQUE} ; {CORDILLERA} {REAL} ; {TITICACA} {LAC} {REGION}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}alaeogeography {P}alaeoclimatology {P}alaeoecology}, volume = {511}, numero = {}, pages = {577--587}, ISSN = {0031-0182}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.palaeo.2018.09.023}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074798}, }