@article{fdi:010074781, title = {{T}owards a congruent reclassification and nomenclature of the thermophilic species of the genus {P}seudothermotoga within the order {T}hermotogales}, author = {{B}elahbib, {H}. and {S}ummers, {Z}. {M}. and {F}ardeau, {M}arie-{L}aure and {J}oseph, {M}anon and {T}amburini, {C}. and {D}olla, {A}. and {O}llivier, {B}ernard and {A}rmougom, {F}abrice}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he phylum {T}hermotogae gathers thermophilic, hyperthermophic, mesophilic, and thermo-acidophilic anaerobic bacteria that are mostly originated from geothermally heated environments. {T}he metabolic and phenotypic properties harbored by the {T}hermotogae species questions the evolutionary events driving the emergence of this early branch of the universal tree of life. {R}ecent reshaping of the {T}hermotogae taxonomy has led to the description of a new genus, {P}seudothermotoga, a sister group of the genus {T}hermotoga within the order {T}hermotogales. {C}omparative genomics of both {P}seudothermotoga and {T}hermotoga spp., including 16{S}-r{RNA}-based phylogenetic, pan-genomic analysis as well as signature indel conservation, provided evidence that {T}hermotoga caldifontis and {T}hermotoga profunda species should be reclassified within the genus {P}seudothermotoga and renamed as {P}seudothermotoga caldifontis comb. nov. (type strain = {AZM}44c09({T})) and {P}seudothermotogaprofunda comb. nov. (type strain ={AZM}34c06({T})), respectively. {I}n addition, based upon whole-genome relatedness indices and {DNA}-{DNA} {H}ybridization results, the reclassification of {P}seudothermotoga lettingae and {P}seudothermotoga subterranea as latter heterotypic synonyms of {P}seudothermotoga elfii is proposed. {F}inally, potential genetic elements resulting from the distinct evolutionary story of the {T}hermotoga and {P}seudothermotoga clades are discussed.}, keywords = {{T}hermotogae ; {P}seudothermotoga ; {T}axonomy ; {C}lassification}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}ystematic and {A}pplied {M}icrobiology}, volume = {41}, numero = {6}, pages = {555--563}, ISSN = {0723-2020}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.syapm.2018.04.007}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074781}, }